So I'm attempting to compiling a program using the linux command line. I'm using linux through a virtual machine. I compile using

gcc -lm calc.c -o calc

where calc.c is the source file and I'm compiling with -lm because it includes math.h. I'll make changes to the source code but it does not reflect when I run. In fact, that line of code does not even produce calc.exe....Help??


1 回答 1


事实上,那行代码甚至不会产生 calc.exe

您需要阅读 gcc 和 Linux,可执行文件在 Linux 中不需要任何特定扩展,它只需要可执行权限。(.exe 在 windows 上使用)

'gcc -lm calc.c -o 计算'



您可以通过 验证它是否可执行ls -l calc,您将看到如下内容:

-rwxrwxr-x 1 [owner/group names] [file size] [date you built] [time you built] calc

输出中的 x 表示它是可执行的。

于 2013-03-07T20:33:26.150 回答