因此,我创建了一个 Angular js 模块并尝试链接服务并使用该服务在整个应用程序中共享变量。一切正常,但是当我尝试将 submenu[1] 设置为一个对象时,它说 submenu[1] 未定义。这是正确的,它还没有被创建。但我只想将 submenu[1] 设置为等于一个对象。不明白为什么必须创建它。不知道为什么它说 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot Read property submenu of undefined。我 console.log 我打开的 menuArray[key] 并返回未定义。但这也没有任何意义。
setSubMenu : 功能(键,子键,值){ console.log(sharedVariables.menuArray[key]); sharedVariables.menuArray[key].subMenu[subKey] = value; }
var myModule = angular.module('companiesApp', ['ngResource']).config(function($routeProvider) {
.when ('/', {controller:ListCtrl, template: $('#companies-list').html()})
.when ('/new', {controller:NewCtrl, template: $('#companies-edit').html()})
.when('/newMenu/:companyID', {controller:EditMenuCtrl, template: $('#menu-edit').html()})
.when ('/edit/:companyID', {controller:EditCtrl, template: $('#companies-edit').html()})
.when ('/editMenu/:companyID', {controller:EditMenuCtrl, template: $('#menu-edit').html()})
.when ('/settings/:companyID', {controller:SettingsCtrl, template: $('#companies-settings').html()})});
myModule.service('sharedVariables', function(){
var sharedVariables = { count : 0, originalCount : 0, menuArray : []};
getOriginalCount : function(){
return sharedVariables.originalCount;
setOriginalCount : function(value){
sharedVariables.originalCount = value;
getCount : function(){
return sharedVariables.count;
setCount : function(value){
sharedVariables.count = value;
getMenu : function(){
return sharedVariables.menuArray;
setMenu : function(key, value){
sharedVariables.menuArray[key] = value;
setMenuName : function(key,value){
sharedVariables.menuArray[key].name = value;
setMenuEndPos : function(key, posLeft, posTop){
sharedVariables.menuArray[key].endPosLeft = posLeft;
sharedVariables.menuArray[key].endPosTop = posTop;
setSubMenu : function(key, subKey, value){
sharedVariables.menuArray[key].subMenu[subKey] = value;
function EditMenuCtrl($scope,$routeParams, $location, sharedVariables){
var count = 0;
$scope.companyID = $routeParams.companyID;
$scope.menuArray = [];
url : "companies.php",
type : "post",
data : {
action : "getMenus",
id : $routeParams.companyID
success : function(data,status){
var responses = JSON.parse(data);
for(i in responses){
//if the Root Order LI has not been created, create it
if($('#li-' + responses[i].rootORDER).length == 0){
var html = '<li id="li-' + responses[i].rootORDER + '" class="dropdown">' + '<a id="link-' + responses[i].rootORDER;
html += '" role="button" class="dropdown-toggle" data-type="text" data-toggle="dropdown">' + responses[i].menuROOT;
html += '</a>' + '<ul id="ul-' + responses[i].rootORDER;
html += '" class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel" ><li role="presentation"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="addLITOUL()" role="menuitem"><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i></a></li></ul></li>';
//Record the Start Position of the Element
var Start = $('#li-' + responses[i].rootORDER).position();
sharedVariables.setMenu(responses[i].rootOrder, {name : responses[i].menuROOT, startPosLeft : Start.left, startPosTop : Start.top, subMenu : []});
//Make the Title Editable
$('#link-' + responses[i].rootORDER).editable(function(value,settings){
var tempID = $(this).attr('id');
tempID = tempID.substring(5);
//Make the DropDowns and make them draggable
containment: "#container",
scroll: false,
snap: true,
stop: function(event, ui) {
var Stoppos = $(this).position();
$("#position").text("STOP: \nLeft: "+ Stoppos.left + "\nTop: " + Stoppos.top);
var tempID = $(this).attr("id");
tempID = tempID.substring(3); //remove li- to get the index into the array
sharedVariables.setMenuEndPos(tempID, Stoppos.left, Stoppos.top);
}//end of if
}//end of (for i in responses)
//Fill in the inner UL with it's links
for(i in responses){
html = '<li id="' + i + '-' + responses[i].menuTITLE+ '" role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" href="javascript:void(0)">' + responses[i].menuTITLE + '</a>';
html += '</li>';
$('#ul-' + responses[i].rootORDER).append(html);
sharedVariables.setSubMenu(responses[i].rootORDER, responses[i].linkORDER, {name: responses[i].menuTITLE});