我准备在我的页面上尖叫,感觉就像一场真正的战斗。我正在尝试为 html 应用程序获取完整的页面布局。我试图让两个主要的 div 并排,我可以用 js 隐藏。我在每个 div 中也有一个 44px 高的标题。我的问题是我似乎无法阻止大量内容流入第一个 div,即使隐藏了溢出等。我不能发布所有代码,但我应该能够发布相关部分。大部分代码与问题无关。我制作了一个JSfiddle只是为了让它更容易看到。提前致谢。哦,还有一些关于让我投票支持答案的技巧。不要试图改变列宽,我需要它们灵活的边界。提前致谢!
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text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want
to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into
menu column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column.
Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block
of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that
I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want to not
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column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large
block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text
that I want to not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want to
not wrap into menu column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into
menu column. Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column.
Large block of text that I want to not wrap into menu column.
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