I'm new to iOS application development. I have an Enterprise Account and I successfully added that Provisioning Profile to my Mac.

My understanding is that an iOS application signed with an Enterprise Account's certificate can be installed on any number of iOS devices within that organization.

I already have an .ipa file which is signed with a different certificate (not using the enterprise one that I have). I need to sign this application with the enterprise account that I have with me. Is it possible to do this? Or what should I need to sign the application using my Enterprise Account' certificate? Could you please help me?


2 回答 2


您可以通过解压缩 IPA 并将嵌入式移动配置文件替换为您的企业配置文件来退出 IPA。

之后,使用 codesign 和您的企业分发证书对 .app 目录进行签名。Codesign 是 Xcode 附带的命令行工具。

最后,您将 IPA 压缩备份并以企业应用程序的正常方式分发。

于 2013-08-26T07:54:13.497 回答

您需要在归档应用程序时指定证书和 mobileprovision。然后在管理器中,“分发”应用程序并选择“保存为企业或临时分发”选项

于 2013-03-07T18:15:46.600 回答