我目前支持具有许多外部依赖项的 Microsoft Access 2000 业务线应用程序,包括用于邮件合并的 Microsoft Word 2007。该应用程序使用批处理脚本通过复制和注册(如果需要)用户计算机上的每个 DLL 来使外部引用保持最新,类似于以下脚本:

COPY "\\fileshare\references\fileX.dll" "C:\WINDOWS\system32\fileX.dll"
regsvr32 "C:\WINDOWS\system32\fileX.dll"

以下是受影响的 DLL:

  • comdlg32.ocx(已注册)
  • mscomctl.ocx(已注册)
  • stdole2.tlb
  • MS09.dll
  • msoutl.olb
  • VBE6.DLL(已注册)
  • dao360.dll(已注册)
  • msado21.tlb

批处理脚本通常只是简单地将用户的 DLL 替换为同一个 DLL 的相同版本。但是,由于某种原因,在执行此批处理脚本并且用户尝试在 Office 2007 中打开文档后,会弹出一个配置向导并从文档中窃取焦点,只需要重新启动才能完成。

虽然这并不是一个真正的关键工作停止问题,但它肯定是一个烦恼。显而易见的猜测是它是 Office 2007 DLL 之一,但我无法确定哪个 DLL 是罪魁祸首。



1 回答 1


据我了解,您不应该分发 OLB 文件。它们包含在 Office 的安装中,并且已经存在于任何安装了 Office 的工作站上。

You also should not be installing any ADO, DAO, or any other MDAC/WDAC components manually. For older OS's, you should run an installer (MDAC_TYP.EXE) that installs the entire set of Data Access Components; google for MDAC installer for more info. On newer OS's, WDAC is installed as part of Windows.

Of your list, these are the only files that I would consider safe to distribute:

stdole2.tlb  (although, this REALLY shouldn't be necessary)

All of the other files are either part of Office, and should already be on the box, or are part of WDAC/MDAC.

If absolutely necessary, you can always install the Access 2000 Runtime. This would allow users that do not have Access 2000 installed to still be able to start your application.

于 2013-03-07T16:04:57.040 回答