我正在尝试运行这个 Perl 程序。

# ---------------     exchange.pl     -----------------

&read_exchange_rate;     # read exchange rate into memory

# now let's cycle, asking the user for input...

print "Please enter the amount, appending the first letter of the name of\n";
print "the currency that you're using (franc, yen, deutschmark, pound) -\n";
print "the default value is US dollars.\n\n";
print "Amount: ";

while (<STDIN>) {

  ($amnt,$curr) = &breakdown(chop($_));

  $baseval = $amnt * (1/$rateof{$curr});

  printf("%2.2f USD, ", $baseval * $rateof{'U'});
  printf("%2.2f Franc, ", $baseval * $rateof{'F'});
  printf("%2.2f DM, ", $baseval * $rateof{'D'});
  printf("%2.2f Yen, and ", $baseval * $rateof{'Y'});
  printf("%2.2f Pound\n\nAmount: ", $baseval * $rateof{'P'});

sub breakdown {
   @line = split(" ", $_);

   $amnt = $line[0];
   if ($#line == 1) {
     $curr = $line[1];
     $curr =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;         # uppercase
     $curr = substr($curr, 0, 1);  # first char only
   } else { $curr = "U"; }
   return ($amnt, $curr);

sub read_exchange_rate {
  open(EXCHRATES, "

每当它到达第 17 行 ( $baseval = $amnt * (1/$rateof{$curr})) 时,我都会收到错误消息Illegal division by zero


我是 Perl 的新手,所以请解释一下你的答案。

这只发生在 Strawberry Perl 中。ActivePerl 可以工作,但它会将所有货币转换列为 0.0。



&read_exchange_rate;     # read exchange rate into memory

# now let's cycle, asking the user for input...

print "Please enter the amount, appending the first letter of the name of\n";
print "the currency that you're using (franc, yen, deutschmark, pound) -\n";
print "the default value is US dollars.\n\n";
print "Amount: ";

while (<STDIN>) {

  ($amnt,$curr) = &breakdown(chomp($_));

  $baseval = eval { $amnt * (1/$rateof{$curr}) };

  printf("%2.2f USD, ", $baseval * $rateof{'U'});
  printf("%2.2f Franc, ", $baseval * $rateof{'F'});
  printf("%2.2f DM, ", $baseval * $rateof{'D'});
  printf("%2.2f Yen, and ", $baseval * $rateof{'Y'});
  printf("%2.2f Pound\n\nAmount: ", $baseval * $rateof{'P'});

sub breakdown {
   @line = split(" ", $_);

   $amnt = $line[0];
   if ($#line == 1) {
     $curr = $line[1];
     $curr =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;         # uppercase
     $curr = substr($curr, 0, 1);  # first char only
   } else { $curr = "U"; }
   return ($amnt, $curr);

sub read_exchange_rate {
  open EXCHRATES, "<exchange.db" or die "$!\n";

  while ( <EXCHRATES> ) {
    chomp; split;
    $curr = $_[0];
    $val  = $_[1];
    $rateof{$curr} = $val;

现在,当我使用 Open With(是的,我在 Windows 上)时,我在 Strawberry Perl 中得到了这个: No such file or directory 但如果我双击它,它开始正常,但会话看起来像这样:

Please enter the amount, appending the first letter of the name of
the currency that you're using (franc, yen, deutschmark, pound) -
the default value is US dollars.

Amount: 5 y
0.00 USD, 0.00 Franc, 0.00 DM, 0.00 Yen, and 0.00 Pound




1 回答 1


您的代码不起作用的原因是chop返回从字符串末尾删除的字符,而不是删除最后一个字符的字符串。您还应该使用chompwhich 是相同的,只是它仅在它是换行符时才返回最后一个字符。当文件的最后一行没有以换行符终止时,这可以避免出现问题。

此外,您必须始终use strict使用and启动 Perl 程序,use warnings并在第一次使用时声明所有变量。

您还应该避免使用&名称中的 & 号调用子例程。自 Perl 4 以来——大约 20 年前,这一直不是正确的做法。你的电话应该看起来像

于 2013-03-07T15:31:26.150 回答