我对 linux 或 c++ 几乎一无所知。
我通常按照这些说明在 ubuntu 12.10 http://piyushparkash.blogspot.com/2012/10/installing-boost-150-in-ubuntu-1210.html上构建提升。我下载了 1.53.0。
我遵循了 1.2.2 末尾的建议,./bootstrap.sh --exec-prefix=/usr/local
src/common.hpp:52:32: fatal error: boost/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory
当 I 时find / -name 'shared_ptr.hpp'
/root/boost_1_53_0/boost/asio/detail/shared_ptr.hpp /root/boost_1_53_0/boost/interprocess/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp /root/boost_1_53_0/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp /root/boost_1_53_0/boost/序列化/shared_ptr .hpp /root/boost_1_53_0/boost/shared_ptr.hpp
apt-cache libboost-all-dev
apt-cache search boost | grep dev
libboost-date-time-dev - set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts (default version)
libboost-date-time1.49-dev - set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts
libboost-dev - Boost C++ Libraries development files (default version)
libboost-iostreams-dev - Boost.Iostreams Library development files (default version)
libboost-iostreams1.49-dev - Boost.Iostreams Library development files
libboost-program-options-dev - program options library for C++ (default version)
libboost-program-options1.49-dev - program options library for C++
libboost-python-dev - Boost.Python Library development files (default version)
libboost-python1.49-dev - Boost.Python Library development files
libboost-regex-dev - regular expression library for C++ (default version)
libboost-regex1.49-dev - regular expression library for C++
libboost-serialization-dev - serialization library for C++ (default version)
libboost-serialization1.49-dev - serialization library for C++
libboost-test-dev - components for writing and executing test suites (default version)
libboost-test1.49-dev - components for writing and executing test suites
libboost1.49-dev - Boost C++ Libraries development files
libasio-dev - cross-platform C++ library for network programming
libboost-all-dev - Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL) (default version)
libboost-chrono-dev - C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks (default version)
libboost-chrono1.49-dev - C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks
libboost-chrono1.50-dev - C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks
libboost-date-time1.50-dev - set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts
libboost-exception1.50-dev - set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts
libboost-filesystem-dev - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++ (default version)
libboost-filesystem1.49-dev - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++
libboost-filesystem1.50-dev - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++
libboost-graph-dev - generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)
libboost-graph-parallel-dev - generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)
libboost-graph-parallel1.49-dev - generic graph components and algorithms in C++
libboost-graph-parallel1.50-dev - generic graph components and algorithms in C++
libboost-graph1.49-dev - generic graph components and algorithms in C++
libboost-graph1.50-dev - generic graph components and algorithms in C++
libboost-iostreams1.50-dev - Boost.Iostreams Library development files
libboost-locale-dev - C++ facilities for localization (default version)
libboost-locale1.49-dev - C++ facilities for localization
libboost-locale1.50-dev - C++ facilities for localization
libboost-math-dev - Boost.Math Library development files (default version)
libboost-math1.49-dev - Boost.Math Library development files
libboost-math1.50-dev - Boost.Math Library development files
libboost-mpi-dev - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) (default version)
libboost-mpi-python-dev - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI), Python Bindings (default version)
libboost-mpi-python1.49-dev - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI), Python Bindings
libboost-mpi-python1.50-dev - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI), Python Bindings
libboost-mpi1.49-dev - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI)
libboost-mpi1.50-dev - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI)
libboost-program-options1.50-dev - program options library for C++
libboost-python1.50-dev - Boost.Python Library development files
libboost-random-dev - Boost Random Number Library (default version)
libboost-random1.49-dev - Boost Random Number Library
libboost-random1.50-dev - Boost Random Number Library
libboost-regex1.50-dev - regular expression library for C++
libboost-serialization1.50-dev - serialization library for C++
libboost-signals-dev - managed signals and slots library for C++ (default version)
libboost-signals1.49-dev - managed signals and slots library for C++
libboost-signals1.50-dev - managed signals and slots library for C++
libboost-system-dev - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library (default version)
libboost-system1.49-dev - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library
libboost-system1.50-dev - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library
libboost-test1.50-dev - components for writing and executing test suites
libboost-thread-dev - portable C++ multi-threading (default version)
libboost-thread1.49-dev - portable C++ multi-threading
libboost-thread1.50-dev - portable C++ multi-threading
libboost-timer-dev - C++ wall clock and CPU process timers (default version)
libboost-timer1.49-dev - C++ wall clock and CPU process timers
libboost-timer1.50-dev - C++ wall clock and CPU process timers
libboost-wave-dev - C99/C++ preprocessor library (default version)
libboost-wave1.49-dev - C99/C++ preprocessor library
libboost-wave1.50-dev - C99/C++ preprocessor library
libboost1.49-all-dev - Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL)
libboost1.50-all-dev - Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL)
libboost1.50-dev - Boost C++ Libraries development files
libjson-spirit-dev - C++ JSON Parser/Generator implemented with Boost Spirit
libmapnik-dev - C++/Python toolkit for developing GIS applications (dummy)
libmapnik2-2.0 - C++/Python toolkit for developing GIS applications (libraries)
libmapnik2-dev - C++/Python toolkit for developing GIS applications (devel)
libpion-common-dev - lightweight HTTP interface library - common development files
libpion-net-dev - lightweight HTTP interface library - development files
libroot-tmva-dev - Toolkit for multivariate data analysis - development files
libtorch3-dev - State of the art machine learning library - development files
mapnik-doc - C++/Python toolkit for developing GIS applications (doc)
mapnik-utils - C++/Python toolkit for developing GIS applications (utilities)
python-mapnik2 - C++/Python toolkit for developing GIS applications (Python)