我已经搜索和搜索,但找不到答案。我正在尝试在两个 unix 设备之间打开一个 Pyro 连接。我可以使用具有相同 URI 字符串的 Pyro4 代理连接到设备 4 次。在第五个连接上,实例挂起我的获取数据函数调用。它通过 core.py pyro 包并最终等待获取数据。偶尔,在第四个之后创建的这些打开的连接之一会抛出一个 ConnectionClosedError 异常,如下所示:
ConnectionClosedError("receiving: connection lost: "+str(x))
ConnectionClosedError: receiving: connection lost: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
如果我不清楚,以下是导致此问题的原因: - 在与设备的不同 SSH 会话上打开 4 个连接,并运行设置 pyro 代理的重复测试。(这些工作正常且完整,没有错误)-打开更多连接,所有连接都挂在我的电话上以获取数据。它们挂起至少 5 分钟,有些会不经常引发上述异常。-并非所有人都会这样做。一旦 4 个正在运行的测试中的 1 个完成,挂起的第 5 个测试将启动并正常完成。其他人将跟随,但一次不会超过 4 个。
最后,以下代码(在 socketutil.py 中)是实际发生异常的地方:
def receiveData(sock, size):
"""Retrieve a given number of bytes from a socket.
It is expected the socket is able to supply that number of bytes.
If it isn't, an exception is raised (you will not get a zero length result
or a result that is smaller than what you asked for). The partial data that
has been received however is stored in the 'partialData' attribute of
the exception object."""
if hasattr(socket, "MSG_WAITALL"):
# waitall is very convenient and if a socket error occurs,
# we can assume the receive has failed. No need for a loop,
# unless it is a retryable error.
# Some systems have an erratic MSG_WAITALL and sometimes still return
# less bytes than asked. In that case, we drop down into the normal
# receive loop to finish the task.
while True:
data=sock.recv(size, socket.MSG_WAITALL)
if len(data)==size:
return data
# less data than asked, drop down into normal receive loop to finish
except socket.timeout:
raise TimeoutError("receiving: timeout")
except socket.error:
err=getattr(x, "errno", x.args[0])
if err not in ERRNO_RETRIES:
raise ConnectionClosedError("receiving: connection lost: "+str(x))
time.sleep(0.00001+retrydelay) # a slight delay to wait before retrying