我在数据库中有大约 450K 记录,我必须在这些记录上进行模糊匹配。我已经实现了Parallel.foreach循环来查看传入的请求是否与 450K 记录中的任何一个匹配。如果在搜索过程中找到任何匹配项,我会停止foreach循环并以 true 将响应返回给调用者(它表示已找到匹配项)。

我正在调用数据库并将所有 450K 记录存储在静态对象中(在内存中)。for 的逻辑Parallel.foreach运行良好。问题是确定它是否匹配需要将近 40-45 秒。

我计划parallel.foreach在每个循环上运行多个 100k 数据,以减少总时间。parallel.foreach我的挑战是,一旦我匹配到一个循环,我将如何停止执行其他循环parrallel.foreach


public bool Checkmatch(CheckRequest request)
        bool isPCCMatch = false;
        //This will load all the data in Static object to avoid db call for each request

                logger.Debug(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ": Matching alogorithm is started");
                Parallel.ForEach(PolicyInformation.Policies, (policy, loopState) =>

                    double state=0, stateF=0;
                    if (!request.stateF)
                        state= GetPrecentageMatch(request.state, policy.state);
                        //this if condition is for checkibnf first field condition early so that it will not get all the percentage
                        if (state== OneFieldSSNPercentage)
                            isPCCMatch = true;
                        stateF= GetPrecentageMatch(request.stateF, policy.stateF);
                        //this if condition is for checkibnf first field condition early so that it will not get all the percentage
                        if (stateF== OneFieldFEINPercentage)
                            isPCCMatch = true;

                    double SEIN = GetPrecentageMatch(request.SEIN, policy.FEIN);
                    //this if condtion is for checkibnf first field condtion earily so that it will not get all the perecentage
                    if (SEIN == OneFieldSEINPercentage)
                        isPCCMatch = true;
                    double WCIRB = GetPrecentageMatch(request.WCIRB, policy.WCIRB);
                    //this if condition is for checkibnf first field condition early so that it will not get all the percentage
                    if (WCIRB == OneFieldWCIRBPercentage)
                        isPCCMatch = true;
                    double DUN = GetPrecentageMatch(request.DUNS,  policy.DUNS);
                    //this if condition is for checkibnf first field condition early so that it will not get all the percentage
                    if (DUN == OneFieldDUNSPercentage)
                        isPCCMatch = true;
                    double legalNames = GetPrecentageMatch(request.LegalName, policy.LegalName);
                    //this if condition is for checkibnf first field condition early so that it will not get all the percentage
                    if (legalNames == OneFieldLegalNamePercentage)
                        isPCCMatch = true;

                    double tradeNames = GetPrecentageMatch(request.TradeName, policy.TradeName);
                    //this if condition is for checkibnf first field condition early so that it will not get all the percentage
                    if (tradeNames == OneFieldTradeNamePercentage)
                        isPCCMatch = true;
                    double mailingname = GetPrecentageMatch(request.MailingName, policy.MailingName);
                    //this if condition is for checkibnf first field condition early so that it will not get all the percentage
                    if (mailingname == OneFieldMailingNamePercentage)
                        isPCCMatch = true;
                    double ownerInfo = GetPrecentageMatch(request.OwnerName, policy.Ownership);

                    int partitalmatchcount = 0;

                    int addressmatchcount = 0;

                    // condtion 2
                    // get the partial count. if it is not more than 2 then compare the address an 
                    if (GetPartialMatchFieldCount(SSN, FEIN, SEIN, DUN, legalNames, tradeNames, mailingname, ownerInfo, out partitalmatchcount) < 2)
                        // it will be hit if IsAddressmatch is true or count of partitalmatchcount & addressmatchcount is equal or more then 2
                        if (IsAddressmatch(request, policy, out addressmatchcount, partitalmatchcount) || (addressmatchcount + partitalmatchcount >= 2))
                            logger.Debug(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ": policy matched 2nd condition " + policy.ID);
                            isPCCMatch = true;
                        isPCCMatch = true;

                    // check for the 3 fields
                    if (GroupAmatchcount(SSN, FEIN, SEIN) + GroupBmatchcount(legalNames, tradeNames, mailingname) + GroupCMatchCount(request,
                        policy) + GroupDMatchCount(ownerInfo) >= 3)
                        logger.Debug(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ": policy matched 3rd condition " + policy.ID);
                        isPCCMatch = true;
                    //else if ()

                logger.Debug(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ": Matching algorithm is ended");
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex);
     //   }

        return isPCCMatch;

我想为 100k 条记录运行上述循环,因此它将有 4 个parallel.foreach循环。一旦我在一个循环上找到匹配项,我想停止其他parallel.foreach循环的执行。


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