我目前正在开发一款监控软件,它采用服务器名称和 IP 地址的输入文件,并创建一个基本的信息数据库。我想在处理配置文件时默认一些值,并且它在第一次循环时工作正常,但是任何后续条目都会以奇怪的方式创建(对我来说很奇怪是描述它的最佳方式,因为它可能是正确的并且代码是错误的,因为代码正在做我要求它做的事情,但不一定是我想要它做的事情)。
$VAR1 = [
'IPAddress' => '',
'Boxname' => 'MPLRDFDSOAK1',
'CurrentStatusInfo' => {
'LineHandlersRunning' => [
'NumberOfGaps' => 0,
'LineHandlerName' => 'DEFAULT',
'NumberOfCommLinkDowns' => 0,
'LineHandlerUpTime' => 0,
'MemoryUsage' => 0
'PreviousStatusInfo' => {
'LineHandlersRunning' =>
'IPAddress' => '',
'Boxname' => 'MPLRDFDSOAK2',
'CurrentStatusInfo' => {
'LineHandlersRunning' =>
'PreviousStatusInfo' => {
'LineHandlersRunning' =>
# Version History #
# example of the ini file
use strict;
use warnings;
# include the library to allow easy access to command line arguments
use Getopt::Long;
# include the data dumper utility
use Data::Dumper;
my $usageInstructions = "Some instructions\n";
my $showMeTheInstructions = "";
my $iniFileToReadIn = "";
my @boxes;
# read in the command line arguments
GetOptions( "ini=s" => \$iniFileToReadIn,
"H|h|?!" => \$showMeTheInstructions);
if ($showMeTheInstructions)
print $usageInstructions;
exit 0;
readInINIFileIn($iniFileToReadIn, \@boxes) if ($iniFileToReadIn ne "");
print Dumper(\@boxes);
print "\n\#\n\# END OF DATA DUMP\n\#\n\n";
exit 0;
# subroutine to read in the ini file and create the empty records for the boxes
# specified
sub readInINIFileIn
my ($iniFile, $pointerToBoxes) = @_;
my $noCRLFOnString = "";
# open the file
open (ConfigFile, "<$iniFile") || die $!;
# read in all the lines into an array
my @configurationItems = <ConfigFile>;
# close the file
close (ConfigFile);
# temporary record storage
my %tempRecord;
# create the defaults for all boxes
my @LineHandlersRunning;
my %tmpLineHandlerRunning = ( LineHandlerName => "DEFAULT",
LineHandlerUpTime => 0,
NumberOfCommLinkDowns => 0,
NumberOfGaps => 0,
MemoryUsage => 0 );
push (@LineHandlersRunning, {%tmpLineHandlerRunning});
my %CurrentStatusInfo;
my %PreviousStatusInfo;
push @{ $CurrentStatusInfo{'LineHandlersRunning'} }, @LineHandlersRunning;
push @{ $PreviousStatusInfo{'LineHandlersRunning'} }, @LineHandlersRunning;
# loop through the config file and create the defaults for the database of boxes
foreach my $configLine (@configurationItems)
my @TokenisedLineFromFileItems = ();
my @TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs = ();
# store parameters
# each line will be ; separated then => separated, as in each one will have a number of items separated by ;'s and
# each item will be be a name & value pair separated by =>'s
@TokenisedLineFromFileItems = split(/;/,$configLine);
# remove quote marks around the outside of each element of the newly created array
s/^"|"$//g foreach @TokenisedLineFromFileItems;
# create information in database record to add to boxes
foreach my $NameValuePair (@TokenisedLineFromFileItems)
@TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs = split(/=>/,$NameValuePair);
$noCRLFOnString = $TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs[1];
$noCRLFOnString =~ s/(\n|\r)//g;
$tempRecord{'Boxname'} = $noCRLFOnString if ($TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs[0] eq "box");
$tempRecord{'IPAddress'} = $noCRLFOnString if ($TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs[0] eq "ip");
# add all other defaults as blank
$tempRecord{'CurrentStatusInfo'} = {%CurrentStatusInfo};
$tempRecord{'PreviousStatusInfo'} = {%PreviousStatusInfo};
push(@$pointerToBoxes, {%tempRecord});