I've got some nice little LotusScript that I can put into the Click event of an Action Hotspot in a rich text field when I'm sending an email manually. Is there a way to programmatically create that in the UI?

My script determines the user's home server and then opens a specific document in the replica of a training database on their home server. I could create these messages with hotspots manually and provide them to the folks who want to email them out. Of course, time being money and the task being boring, I'd rather automate it. I know that I could do this by using a stored form, but am wondering if the greater capability exists, as I can see further applications for it.


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我过去使用的一个技巧是在数据库中创建个人资料文档,并将一些富文本存储在该个人资料文档的字段中。然后,当我需要以编程方式发送电子邮件时,我可以从配置文件文档中获取富文本字段,并使用 AppendRTItem 将其放入电子邮件正文中。这应该适用于任何类型的富文本,包括热点。

注意:这在 UI 中无法用于填充新电子邮件。不过,如果您完全在代码中生成电子邮件,它确实有效。

于 2013-03-06T20:21:12.983 回答