可以设置在 TLFTextField 上显示的最大行数吗?所以我有一个文本,我不想在整个文本中显示,只有前 3 行可见。我该如何配置?
var myTLFTextField:TLFTextField = new TLFTextField();
myTLFTextField.x = 0;
myTLFTextField.y = 0;
myTLFTextField.width = _width
myTLFTextField.height = 100;
myTLFTextField.multiline = true;
myTLFTextField.wordWrap = true;
var myFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
myFormat.color = 0x336633;
myFormat.fontFamily = "Arial, Helvetica, _sans";
myFormat.fontSize = 24;
myFormat.textAlign = TextAlign.LEFT;
var textFlow:TextFlow = myTLFTextField.textFlow;
var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
var inlineGraphicElement:InlineGraphicElement = new InlineGraphicElement();
var textLayoutFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
//Add graph
inlineGraphicElement.source = drwCircle();
inlineGraphicElement.float = Float.LEFT;
//Add Text to the spans
span1.text = "You can draw a happy face here ";
span2.text = "if you like.as asdfads ad fas fadsf f asdfsdf asd sdafas dff asd adsf adsf adsf asf sadf asdf dfghjf j fhj fgffg hgfhj fg fgj fg jkb asdljk ljka jlkj asdjfh lajsdfh sd sdf asdfasd fdas asd fa sdfadsf asd adsf ad fadsf adsf ads fads fads f adsf asdf ";
p.fontSize = 16;
// Add Paragraph to text flow and update controller to display
textFlow.hostFormat = myFormat;