rails 中的这个查询并没有结束。为什么?查询是:
SELECT CONCAT(f.name, ' ', f.parent_names) AS FullName,
stts.name AS 'Status',
u.name AS Unit,
city.name AS City,
hus.mobile1 AS HusbandPhone,
wife.mobile1 AS WifePhone,
f.phone AS HomePhone,
f.contact_initiation_date AS InitDate,
fh.created_at AS StatusChangeDate,
cmt.created_at AS CommentDate,
cmt.comment AS LastComment,
f.reconnection_date AS ReconnectionDate,
FROM taggings tgs
JOIN tags t ON tgs.tag_id = t.id
WHERE tgs.taggable_type = 'family'
AND tgs.taggable_id = f.id) AS HandlingStatus
FROM families f
JOIN categories stts ON f.family_status_cat_id = stts.id
JOIN units u ON f.unit_id = u.id
JOIN categories city ON f.main_city_cat_id = city.id
LEFT JOIN contacts hus ON f.husband_id = hus.id
LEFT JOIN contacts wife ON f.wife_id = wife.id
LEFT JOIN comments cmt ON f.id = cmt.commentable_id
AND cmt.created_at =
(SELECT MAX(created_at)
FROM comments
WHERE commentable_id = f.id)
LEFT JOIN family_histories fh ON f.id = fh.family_id
AND fh.created_at =
(SELECT MAX(created_at)
FROM family_histories
WHERE family_id = f.id
AND family_history_cat_id = 1422)
AND fh.family_history_cat_id = 1422
OR (f.family_status_cat_id = 1422
AND ( (SELECT MAX(_fh.created_at)
FROM family_histories _fh
WHERE _fh.family_history_cat_id = 1422
AND _fh.family_id = f.id
AND _fh.new_val LIKE '%1422%') BETWEEN '2010-03-10' AND '2011-03-02'))
我错过了什么吗?Synatx 是正确的,那么问题出在哪里?