我需要能够为特定表选择除 MAX 记录之外的所有记录。我知道如何选择 Max 记录(通过使用 TOP 或 MAX),但我想显示除此之外的所有记录。有没有办法做到这一点?我已经尝试了下面的代码,但我一直在获取 MAX 记录。
rtrim(ltrim(pn.sFirstName + ' ' + pn.uLastName)) as newroom
FROM tenant t (nolock)
INNER JOIN room rm (NOLOCK) on t.hmyperson = rm.hmytenant
and isnull(rm.boccupant,0)=0
and rm.dtmoveout is null
INNER JOIN person pn (nolock) on pn.hmy = rm.hmyperson
WHERE pn.hmy <>
(SELECT TOP 1 pn.hmy
FROM tenant t (nolock)
INNER JOIN property p (nolock) on p.hMy = t.hProperty
INNER JOIN unit u (nolock) on (t.hUnit = u.hMy
INNER JOIN addr ua (nolock) on u.hmy = ua.hPointer
INNER JOIN room rm (NOLOCK) on t.hmyperson = rm.hmytenant
and isnull(rm.boccupant,0)=0
and rm.dtmoveout is null
and isnull(rm.dtMoveIn,getdate()) >= getdate()
INNER JOIN person pn (nolock) on pn.hmy = rm.hmyperson
WHERE t.code = '011212'
ORDER BY pn.hmy)
and t.code = '011212'
提取记录后,我想将 MAX 记录合并到单独的行中。