我制作了一个函数,它获取原始图像并将其调整为 3 种不同的缩放比例 -> 16x、10x 和 4x。为了更好地理解,请继续阅读本段。假设原始图像是 1000x1000。我声明在 1 倍变焦时它的尺寸将为 50x50。这意味着 4 倍变焦将是 200x200,10 倍变焦将是 500x500,16 倍变焦将是 800x800。所以我的函数需要将原来的 1000x1000 缩小到 800x800,然后缩小到 500x500,然后缩小到 200x200。请注意,我已成功完成此操作,我的问题是关于内存使用情况

下面我有两种方法。两种方法都有效,但是一种方法会导致巨大的内存使用膨胀,使用的内存大约是另一种方法的 3 倍/4 倍……我更喜欢第二种方法,因为它的加载速度比第一种方法快得多,因为它不会调整 3 幅图像中的每一个的大小从原始图像,而不是从以前调整大小的图像调整它们的大小。

注意:我正在使用 Xcode Instruments 来测量内存使用情况。ImageResizer 类包含一个名为“Resize”的函数,用于调整图像的大小。


    public List<UIImage> InitImageList_BFObjects ( UIImage image, SizeF frameSize )
        List<UIImage> listOfImages = new List<UIImage>();

        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
            if ( i == 0 )
                zoomScale = 16f;
            else if ( i == 1 )
                zoomScale = 10f;
            else// if ( i == 2 )
                zoomScale = 4f;

            Resizer = new ImageResizer(image);
            Resizer.Resize(frameSize.Width * zoomScale, frameSize.Height * zoomScale);
            UIImage resizedImage = Resizer.ModifiedImage;
            listOfImages.Insert(0, resizedImage);


        return listOfImages;

方法 1 有效并且使用的内存非常少。我用一组大约 20 张图像运行了这个。加载后我的应用程序使用了大约 14mb 的内存(使用 Xcodes Instruments 检查内存使用情况)


    public List<UIImage> InitImageList_BFObjects ( UIImage image, SizeF frameSize )
        List<UIImage> listOfImages = new List<UIImage>();

        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
            if ( i == 0 )
                zoomScale = 16f;
            else if ( i == 1 )
                zoomScale = 10f;
            else// if ( i == 2 )
                zoomScale = 4f;

            if ( listOfImages.Count == 0 )
                Resizer = new ImageResizer(image);
                Resizer.Resize(frameSize.Width * zoomScale, frameSize.Height * zoomScale);
                UIImage resizedImage = Resizer.ModifiedImage;
                listOfImages.Insert(0, resizedImage);
                // Notice how it resizes from the most recent image from listOfImages rather than the original image
                Resizer = new ImageResizer(listOfImages[0]);
                Resizer.Resize(frameSize.Width * zoomScale, frameSize.Height * zoomScale);
                UIImage resizedImage = Resizer.ModifiedImage;
                listOfImages.Insert(0, resizedImage);

        return listOfImages;

方法 2 有效,但内存使用量猛增!我用同一组大约 20 张图像运行了这个。加载后我的应用程序有超过 60mb 的内存使用量(使用 Xcodes Instruments 检查内存使用情况)为什么内存使用量如此之高?方法二到底是怎么回事,导致内存一飞冲天?就好像一个变量没有被正确清理

* 附加信息,ImageResizer 类* *

我从 ImageResizer 类中删除了不需要的功能,并将其重命名为“ImageResizer_Abridged”。我什至转而使用这个类,以确保我没有不小心删掉任何需要的东西。

public class ImageResizer_Abridged
    UIImage originalImage  = null;
    UIImage modifiedImage = null;

    public ImageResizer_Abridged ( UIImage image )
        this.originalImage = image;
        this.modifiedImage = image;

    /// <summary>
    /// strech resize
    /// </summary>
    public void Resize( float width, float height )
        UIGraphics.BeginImageContext( new SizeF( width, height ) );
        modifiedImage.Draw( new RectangleF( 0,0, width, height ) );
        modifiedImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

    public UIImage OriginalImage 
            return this.originalImage;

    public UIImage ModifiedImage 
            return this.modifiedImage;


这是该项目的保管箱链接: https ://www.dropbox.com/s/4w7d87nn0aafph9/TestMemory.zip

这是方法 1 的 Xcode Instruments 屏幕截图作为证据(9 mb 内存使用):http: //i88.photobucket.com/albums/k194/lampshade9909/AllImagesResizedFromOriginalImage_zps585228c6.jpg

这是方法 2 的 Xcode Instruments 屏幕热作为证据(55 mb 内存使用):http: //i88.photobucket.com/albums/k194/lampshade9909/SignificantIncreaseInMemoryUsage_zps19034bad.jpg


        // Initialize My List of Images
        ListOfImages = new List<UIImage>();

        for ( int i = 0; i < 30; i++ )
            // Create a UIImage Containing my original Image
            UIImage originalImage = UIImage.FromFile ("b2Bomber.png");
            float newWidth = 100f;
            float newHeight = 40f;
            float zoomScale;
            float resizedWidth, resizedHeight;

            UIImage resizedImage1;
            UIImage resizedImage2;

            // Basically, I want to take the originalImage Image and resize it twice.  
            // Method 1.) Resize the originalImage and save it as ResizedImage1.  Resize the originalImage and save it as ResizedImage2.  We're finished!
            // Method 2.) Resize the originalImage and save it as ResizedImage1.  Resize ResizedImage1 and save it as ResizedImage2.  We're finished!

            // The pro to Method 1 is that we get the best possible quaility on all resized images.  The con is, this takes a long time if we're doing dozens of very large images
            // The pro to Method 2 is that it's faster than Method 1.  This is why I want to use Method 2, it's speed.  But it has a HUGE con, it's memory usage. 
            // Please run this project on an iPad connected to XCodes Instruments to monitor memory usage and see what I mean 

            zoomScale = 10f;
            resizedWidth = newWidth*zoomScale;
            resizedHeight = newHeight*zoomScale;
            UIGraphics.BeginImageContext( new SizeF( resizedWidth, resizedHeight ) );
            originalImage.Draw( new RectangleF( 0, 0, resizedWidth, resizedHeight ) );
            resizedImage1 = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

            zoomScale = 4f;
            resizedWidth = newWidth*zoomScale;
            resizedHeight = newHeight*zoomScale;
            UIGraphics.BeginImageContext( new SizeF( resizedWidth, resizedHeight ) );

            // Run this project on an iPad and examine the memory usage in XCode's Instruments.  
            // The Real Memory Usage will be aroud 9 MB.  
            // Uncomment this "originalImage.Draw" line to see this happening, make sure to comment out the "resizedImage1.Draw" line

            // originalImage.Draw( new RectangleF( 0, 0, resizedWidth, resizedHeight ) );

            // Run this project on an iPad and examine the memory usage in XCode's Instruments.  
            // The Real Memory Usage will be aroud 55 MB!!  
            // My question is, why does the memory sky rocket when doing this, and how can I prevent the memory from sky rocketing??
            // My App requires me to resize around a hundred images and I want to be able to resize an already resized image (like in this example) without the memory usage sky rocketing like this...
            // Uncomment this "resizedImage1.Draw" line to see this happening, make sure to comment out the "originalImage.Draw" line

            resizedImage1.Draw( new RectangleF( 0, 0, resizedWidth, resizedHeight ) );
            resizedImage2 = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

            // Add my resized images to the list of Images
            ListOfImages.Add (resizedImage1);
            ListOfImages.Add (resizedImage2);

3 回答 3



只要不创建它的支持,创建一个UIImage 可以非常便宜,内存明智。CGImageIOW iOS可能不会立即分配CGImage与新大小匹配的新背景图像。在需要之前,该分配将有所不同CGImage

在这种情况下,某些代码(如您的方法 1)在扩展时可能几乎不需要额外的内存。但是,您的第二种方法是使用按比例放大的图像(并且需要为此分配支持CGImage),因此它最终需要更早的内存。


将您resizedImage.SizeresizedImage.CGImage.Size. 如果它们不匹配,那么您可能会遇到缓存。


  • 我说可能是因为缓存逻辑未知(未记录)。我知道这可能与在模拟器和设备上运行有所不同——它也因 iOS 版本而异;

  • 缓存是一件好事 - 但它可能会令人惊讶:-) 我只是希望这被记录在案。

于 2013-03-06T18:22:10.237 回答

你检查过 Resizer 是否实现了 Dispose() 方法吗?我没有看到你把它扔到任何地方。


Resizer 正在以新的放大比例缩放整个图像,因此传入的 4MB 图像会缩放到 8MB、16MB 和 32MB,从而消耗您的内存。

于 2013-03-06T16:41:51.877 回答

UIImage实现IDisposable,所以最终将不得不这样做Dispose。该Resize方法似乎“丢失”了对 的引用modifiedImage,因此我将使用Dispose()它。希望调用者对完成后返回的列表中的所有图像执行相同InitImageList_BFObjects的操作。或者那个类实现IDisposable了它,它已经决定了谁必须处理它。但请放心,这些正在创建的图像Dispose()有时需要在某个地方进行。

public class ImageResizer_Abridged
    private readonly UIImage originalImage;

    private UIImage modifiedImage;

    public ImageResizer_Abridged(UIImage image)
        this.originalImage = image;
        this.modifiedImage = image;

    /// <summary>
    /// stretch resize
    /// </summary>
    public void Resize(float width, float height)
        UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(width, height));
        var oldImage = this.modifiedImage;
        this.modifiedImage.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height));
        this.modifiedImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

    public UIImage OriginalImage
            return this.originalImage;

    public UIImage ModifiedImage
            return this.modifiedImage;
于 2013-03-06T18:43:08.303 回答