我不知道如何获取这些文本框的 ID。
.aspx 文件的代码如下:
<asp:Label ID="lblTest" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<br />
<br />
Select CC No :
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server"
onselectedindexchanged="DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged" Width="100px">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" Text="Create Table"
style="height: 26px" Width="100px" />
对于 aspx.cs 文件中的动态表 n 文本框,代码如下所示:
public partial class stable : System.Web.UI.Page
private int tblRow;
private int tblCol = 9;
private int i, j;
private bool CTflag;
Table table = new Table();
TableRow row,rrow;
TableCell cell,rcell;
FileUpload fileUp;
Button UpLdButton;
TextBox tb,tbr;
TextBox txtRes; // to store result of calculation
string cmdArg; // for passing filuploaders id with Command button
string txtArgs;
private string filename = "fileUpLoader";
private string tbRowId = "row";
private string tbColId = "col";
protected int Rows
return ViewState["Rows"] != null ? (int)ViewState["Rows"] : 0;
ViewState["Rows"] = tblRow;
// Columns property to hold the Columns in the ViewState
protected int Columns
return ViewState["Columns"] != null ? (int)ViewState["Columns"] : 0;
ViewState["Columns"] = tblCol;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsPostBack)
this.Rows = tblRow;
this.Columns = tblCol;
if (CTflag == false)
CTflag = true;
//LoadViewState(object this);
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Button1.Visible = false;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void CreateDynamicTable()
//Button1.Visible = false;
tblRow = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList1.SelectedValue);
//Creat the Table and Add it to the Page
if (CTflag == false)
//Table table = new Table();
table.Caption = "Challan Entry";
table.ID = "Challan Entry";
table.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood;
// Now iterate through the table and add your controls
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
row = new TableRow();
row.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;
for (j = 0; j <= tblCol; j++)
cell = new TableCell();
cell.BorderWidth = 5;
cell.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;
cell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Azure;
for (j = 0; j <= tblCol; j++)
string[] Header = { "CC NO.", "DATE", "TotalAmt", "NoOfRecpt", "Energy", "New", "Theft", "Misc", "SelectFile", "Upload", "Status" };
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblHeader" + j;
if (j == 8)
lbl.Width = 220;
else if (j == 9)
lbl.Width = 50;
lbl.Width = 100;
lbl.Text = Header[j];
// Add the control to the TableCell
// Add the TableRow to the Table
for (i = 0; i < tblRow; i++)
row = new TableRow();
row.ID = tbRowId + i;
row.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;
for (j = 0; j <= tblCol; j++)
cell = new TableCell();
cell.ID = tbColId + i + j;
cell.BorderWidth = 5;
cell.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;
cell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Azure;
for (j = 0; j <= 0; j++)
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblCCRow" + i + "Col" + j;
lbl.Text = "CC NO. " + i + " ";
lbl.Width = 100;
// Add the control to the TableCell
for (j = 1; j <= 1; j++)
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblRow" + i + "Col" + j;
lbl.Width = 100;
lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Day) + "/" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year);
// Add the control to the TableCell
for (j = 2; j <= 7; j++)
tb = new TextBox();
tb.Width = 100;
tb.ID = "txtBoxRow" + i + "Col" + j;
tb.Text = "";
// Add the control to the TableCell
for (j = 8; j <= 8; j++)
fileUp = new FileUpload();
//m = i; n = j;
fileUp.ID = filename + i + j;
fileUp.Width = 220;
cmdArg = fileUp.ID;
UpLdButton = new Button();
UpLdButton.Width = 100;
UpLdButton.Text = "Upload" + i + "Col" + j;
UpLdButton.ID = UpLdButton.Text;
UpLdButton.CommandArgument = cmdArg;
UpLdButton.Click += new EventHandler(UpLdButton_Click);
for (j = 9; j <= 9; j++)
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblRow" + i + "Col" + j;
lbl.Text = "[ Status ]";
lbl.Width = 100;
// Add the control to the TableCell
// Add the TableRow to the Table
} //outer for-loop end
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
rrow = new TableRow();
rrow.ID = "ResultRow";
rrow.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;
for (j = 0; j <= tblCol; j++)
rcell = new TableCell();
rcell.ID = "resultCol" + j;
rcell.BorderWidth = 5;
rcell.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;
rcell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Azure;
for (j = 0; j <= 0; j++)
Label lbl = new Label();
//lbl.ID = "lblCCRow" + i + "Col" + j;
lbl.Text = "<b>Total</b>";
lbl.Width = 100;
// Add the control to the TableCell
for (j = 1; j <= 1; j++)
Label lbl = new Label();
//lbl.ID = "lblRow" + i + "Col" + j;
lbl.Width = 100;
lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Day) + "/" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year);
// Add the control to the TableCell
for (j = 2; j <= 7; j++)
tbr = new TextBox();
tbr.Width = 100;
tbr.ID = "txtResult" + j;
tbr.Text = tbr.ID;
// Add the control to the TableCell
for (j = 8; j <= 8; j++)
Button btnCal = new Button();
btnCal.Width = 100;
btnCal.Text = "Calculate";
btnCal.ID = btnCal.Text;
txtArgs = tb.ID;
btnCal.CommandArgument = txtArgs;
Label1.Text = txtArgs;
btnCal.Click += new EventHandler(btnCal_Click);
// Add the TableRow to the Table
//flag seetting
CTflag = true;
ViewState["dynamictable"] = true;
void btnCal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Calculation part goes here
protected override void LoadViewState(object earlierState)
if (ViewState["dynamictable"] == null)
void UpLdButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btnUpLD = sender as Button;
btnUpLD = (Button)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(UpLdButton.ID);
//btnUpLD.Text = Convert.ToString((Button)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(UpLdButton.ID));
//FileUpload fileupld = new FileUpload();
fileUp = (FileUpload)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(fileUp.ID);
string args = ((Button)sender).CommandArgument;
lblTest.Text = args;
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "Index Changed!!!";
在读取文本框 ID 时,我只获取最后一个文本框 ID,我无法通过
文本框 ID 进行迭代
void btnCal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btnCalculate = sender as Button;
TextBox txtFields; // Resultant txtField
string[,] txtNames = new string[tblRow,6];
double TotAmt = new double();
double NoOfRect = new double();
double Energy = new double();
double New1 = new double();
double Theft = new double();
double Misc = new double();
TotAmt = 0; NoOfRect = 0; Energy = 0; New1 = 0; Theft = 0; Misc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tblRow; i++)
for (int j = 2; j <= 7; j++)
txtRes = new TextBox();
//txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
//txtFields.Text = txtFields.ID;
//txtNames[i,j] = txtFields.Text;
if (j == 2)
txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
TotAmt+= Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(TotAmt);
else if (j == 3)
txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
NoOfRect+= Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(NoOfRect);
else if (j == 4)
txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
Energy += Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(Energy);
else if (j == 5)
txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
New1 += Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(New1);
else if (j == 6)
txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
Theft += Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(Theft);
else if (j == 7)
txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
Misc += Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(Misc);
Label1.Text = Convert.ToString("Value of J : " +j);
//txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
//txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(results[i, j]);