我的要求是创建一个macro,其中将使用(功能区>公式>名称管理器)excel 2010自动为等距单元格分配或创建名称。Name Manager

For e.g. Cell A1 to be named as Name_1, Cell A11 to be named as Name_2, Cell A21 to be named as Name_3 and so on.



1 回答 1


彼得,您的干练指导帮助我取得了成功(也得到了 Siddharth Rout 的帮助!):) 谢谢!请在我的代码下面找到 -

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

'Define the variables
Dim vRangeDefined, vRowCount, vRowIndex, vColIndex, vCounter, vCellValue As String, vNameValue As String

'Define the range where the values are entered
vRangeDefined = ActiveSheet.Range("A:B").Value
vRowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

For vCounter = 2 To vRowCount
    vCellValue = vRangeDefined(vCounter, 1)
    vNameValue = vRangeDefined(vCounter, 2)
    'Divide the Cell Value in two parts
    vRowIndex = Left(vCellValue, 1)
    vColIndex = Right(vCellValue, Len(vCellValue) - 1)
    'MsgBox vRowIndex & "-" & vColIndex

   'Assign the names to cells as per the range
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add _
        Name:=vNameValue, _
        RefersTo:="='Sheet1'!$" & vRowIndex & "$" & vColIndex


MsgBox "Process complete..."

End Sub
于 2013-03-07T20:00:39.643 回答