When trying to traverse a SOCKS5 proxy to a RHEL5 Linux host using Fabric 1.6, the command returns but no output is returned to the stdout.
$> fab -H myhost -f ./fabfile.py remote_test --show=debug
Using fabfile '/home/myuser/fabric/fabfile.py'
Commands to run: remote_test
Parallel tasks now using pool size of 1
[myhost] Executing task 'remote_test'
[myhost] run: echo testing
Enter SOCKS5 password for myuser:
[myhost] Login password for 'myuser':
$> echo $?
The remote_test function is:
def remote_test():
run('echo testing')
If I run the command against a non SOCKS5 host it works fine.
I am running the latest builds, although I haven't to date gotten this to work:
Python 2.7.3
Paramiko == 1.10.0
pycrypto == 2.6
fabric == 1.6.0
My ~/.ssh/config looks like the following:
Host *.domain
ProxyCommand connect -S socksproxy.domain:1080 %h %p
And using the connect binary built from http://www.meadowy.org/~gotoh/ssh/connect.c
I haven't got access to github from the Company network so I will ask there when I get a chance as well.
Has anyone got any ideas why this could be occuring?
Thanks Matt