Right now my Linked list is in a queue form. My LList class holds two fields called head and tail which are the head and tail of the list. Head and tail are LNode objects, a LNode is an element of the list that holds a int value, and it's previous LNode and next LNode.
Here's my LNode class:
class LNode{
private int val;
private LNode next;//not recursive
private LNode prev;
public LNode(int v, LNode n, LNode p){
next = n;
prev = p;
val = v;
public int getVal(){
return val;
public LNode getNext(){
return next;
public LNode getPrev(){
return prev;
public void setVal(int v){
val = v;
public void setNext(LNode n){
next = n;
public void setPrev(LNode p){
prev = p;
I am trying to make a delete method in my LList class so that it takes a value and delete the LNode that has that value. My problem is, I don't know how I would deal with the case where the LNode I'm trying to delete is the head or the tail.
public void delete(int v){
if(head.getVal()==v){//delete head
head = head.getNext();
else if(tail.getVal()==v){//delete tail
tail = tail.getPrev();
else{//delete other element
LNode tmp = head;
tmp = tmp.getNext();
What i have tried is to set the new head's previous LNode to be null, but Java doesn't allow that. So what should I do?
Thank you.