

BuyerID    Fruit.1     Fruit.2    Fruit.3    Amount.1    Amount.2    Amount.3
879        Banana      Apple                 4           3
765        Strawberry  Apple      Orange     1           2           4
123        Orange      Banana                1           1           1
 11        Strawberry                        3
773        Kiwi        Banana                1           2


BuyerID    Fruit                             Amount      Total    Count
879        "Banana" "Apple"                  4  3            7        2
765        "Strawberry" "Apple" "Orange"     1  2  4         7        3
123        "Orange" "Banana"                 1  1  1         3        2
 11        "Strawberry"                      3               3        1
773        "Kiwi" "Banana"                   1  2            3        2

我曾尝试使用 c() 和 rbind() 但它们没有产生我想要的结果 - 我在这里尝试过提示:data.frame rows to a list但我不太确定这是否是最好的方法简化我的数据。

这样一来,对于我来说,处理更少的变量来计算某些项目的出现可能会更容易(例如,60% 的买家购买香蕉)。




5 回答 5


尝试复制您的数据,并使用 data.table

DT  <- data.frame(
  BuyerID = c(879,765,123,11,773), 
  Fruit.1 = c('Banana','Strawberry','Orange','Strawberry','Kiwi'),
  Fruit.2 = c('Apple','Apple','Banana',NA,'Banana'),
  Fruit.3 = c( NA, 'Orange',NA,NA,NA),
  Amount.1 = c(4,1,1,3,1), Amount.2 = c(3,2,1,NA,2), Amount.3 = c(NA,4,1,NA,NA),
  Total = c(7,7,3,3,3), 
  Count = c(2,3,2,1,2), 
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# reshaping to long form and data.table

DTlong <- data.table(reshape(DT, varying = list(Fruit = 2:4, Amount = 5:7), 
  direction = 'long'))

# create lists (without NA values)
# also adding count and total columns 
# by using <- to save Fruit and Amount for later use

DTlist <- DTlong[, list(Fruit <- list(as.vector(na.omit(Fruit.1))), 
                        Amount <- list(as.vector(na.omit(Amount.1))), 
                        Count  = length(unlist(Fruit)),
                        Total = sum(unlist(Amount))), 
                 by = BuyerID]

  BuyerID                      V1    V2 Count Total
1:     879            Banana,Apple   4,3     2     7
2:     765 Strawberry,Apple,Orange 1,2,4     3     7
3:     123           Orange,Banana 1,1,1     2     3
4:      11              Strawberry     3     1     3
5:     773             Kiwi,Banana   1,2     2     3

@RicardoSaporta 编辑:

这可能会节省相当多的执行时间(缺点是它添加了NAs 而不是空格)。但是,正如@Marius 指出的那样,DTlong上面可能更容易使用。

DT <- data.table(DT)
DT[,   Fruit := list(list(c(  Fruit.1,   Fruit.2,   Fruit.3))), by=BuyerID]
DT[, Ammount := list(list(c(Amount.1, Amount.2, Amount.3))), by=BuyerID]

# Or as a single line
DT[,   list(  Fruit = list(c( Fruit.1,  Fruit.2,  Fruit.3)), 
            Ammount = list(c(Amount.1, Amount.2, Amount.3)), 
            Total, Count),  # other columns used
            by = BuyerID]
于 2013-03-06T02:54:18.777 回答

这是一个解决方案,带有基本包。它类似于 Tyler 解决方案,但只需一次应用。

res <- apply(DT,1,function(x){
  data.frame(Fruit= paste(na.omit(x[2:4]),collapse=' '),
             Amount = paste(na.omit(x[5:7]),collapse =','),
             Total = sum(as.numeric(na.omit(x[5:7]))),
             Count = length(na.omit(x[2:4])))
                    Fruit  Amount Total Count
1            Banana Apple    4, 3     7     2
2 Strawberry Apple Orange 1, 2, 4     7     3
3           Orange Banana 1, 1, 1     3     2
4              Strawberry       3     3     1
5             Kiwi Banana    1, 2     3     2

我还会通过 grep 更改索引号,就像这样

 Fruit  = gregexpr('Fruit[.][0-9]', colnames(dat)) > 0  
 Amount = gregexpr('Amount[.][0-9]', colnames(dat)) > 0 

 x[2:4] replace by x[which(Fruit)]....


microbenchmark(ag(),mn(), am(), tr())
Unit: milliseconds
  expr       min        lq    median        uq       max
1 ag() 11.584522 12.268140 12.671484 13.317934 109.13419
2 am()  9.776206 10.515576 10.798504 11.437938 137.44867
3 mn()  6.470190  6.805646  6.974797  7.290722  48.68571
4 tr()  1.759771  1.929870  2.026960  2.142066   7.06032

对于一个小的 data.frame,Tyler Rinker是赢家!!我如何解释这个(只是猜测)

  1. data:table 解决方案使用 reshape 并且通常 data.table 对于大数据更快。
  2. 由于每一行的子集,Ag 研究解决方案较慢,不像 Tyler 解决方案在使用之前的子集应用。
  3. 由于使用了重塑和合并,我的解决方案很慢。
于 2013-03-06T03:39:19.930 回答

这是一个非常糟糕的主意,但它在 base 中data.frame。它之所以有效,是因为data.frame它实际上是一个等长向量的列表。您可以强制data.frame将向量存储在单元格中,但这需要一些技巧。我建议其他格式,包括 Marius 的建议或列表。

DT <- data.frame(
  BuyerID = c(879,765,123,11,773), 
  Fruit.1 = c('Banana','Strawberry','Orange','Strawberry','Kiwi'),
  Fruit.2 = c('Apple','Apple','Banana',NA,'Banana'),
  Fruit.3 = c( NA, 'Orange',NA,NA,NA),
  Amount.1 = c(4,1,1,3,1), Amount.2 = c(3,2,1,NA,2), Amount.3 = c(NA,4,1,NA,NA),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

DT2 <- DT[, 1, drop=FALSE]
DT2$Fruit <- apply(DT[, 2:4], 1, function(x) unlist(na.omit(x)))
DT2$Amount <- apply(DT[, 5:7], 1, function(x) unlist(na.omit(x)))
DT2$Total <- sapply(DT2$Amount, sum)
DT2$Count <- sapply(DT2$Fruit, length)


> DT2
  BuyerID                     Fruit  Amount Total Count
1     879             Banana, Apple    4, 3     7     2
2     765 Strawberry, Apple, Orange 1, 2, 4     7     3
3     123            Orange, Banana 1, 1, 1     3     2
4      11                Strawberry       3     3     1
5     773              Kiwi, Banana    1, 2     3     2
于 2013-03-06T03:05:49.393 回答

除了已经存在的很好的答案,这里还有另一个(坚持基础 R):

with(DT, {
  # Convert to long format
  DTlong <- reshape(DT, direction = "long", 
                    idvar = "BuyerID", varying = 2:ncol(DT))
  # aggregate your fruit columns 
  # You need the `do.call(data.frame, ...)` to convert
  #   the resulting matrix-as-a-column into separate columns
  Agg1 <- do.call(data.frame, 
                  aggregate(Fruit ~ BuyerID, DTlong,
                            function(x) c(Fruit = paste0(x, collapse = " "),
                                          Count = length(x))))
  # aggregate the amount columns
  Agg2 <- aggregate(Amount ~ BuyerID, DTlong, sum)
  # merge the results
  merge(Agg1, Agg2)
#   BuyerID             Fruit.Fruit Fruit.Count Amount
# 1      11              Strawberry           1      3
# 2     123           Orange Banana           2      3
# 3     765 Strawberry Apple Orange           3      7
# 4     773             Kiwi Banana           2      3
# 5     879            Banana Apple           2      7


  1. 用于reshape以长格式获取数据(实际上,我认为您应该停下来)
  2. 使用两种不同的aggregate命令,一种用于聚合您的水果列,另一种用于聚合您的金额列。公式方法aggregate负责删除NA,但您可以使用na.action参数指定所需的行为。
  3. 用于merge将两者结合起来。
于 2013-03-06T05:36:46.187 回答


重用来自@mnel 答案的数据,

separator <- ' '
DT %>%
  unite(Fruit, grep("Fruit", names(.)), sep = separator) %>%
  unite(Amount, grep("Amount", names(.)), sep = separator)

#   BuyerID                   Fruit  Amount Total Count
# 1     879         Banana Apple NA  4 3 NA     7     2
# 2     765 Strawberry Apple Orange   1 2 4     7     3
# 3     123        Orange Banana NA   1 1 1     3     2
# 4      11        Strawberry NA NA 3 NA NA     3     1
# 5     773          Kiwi Banana NA  1 2 NA     3     2
于 2016-04-13T17:39:19.743 回答