create table awards(
aid int primary key
, name varchar(100) not null );
create table institutions(
iid int primary key
, name varchar(100) not null );
create table winners(
aid int
, iid int
, year int
, filmname varchar(100)
, personname varchar(100)
, primary key (aid, iid, year)
, foreign key tid references awards(aid)
, foreign key cid references institutions(iid) );
SELECT nominees.personname as personname, awards.name as award, nominees.year as year
FROM nominees, institutions, awards WHERE institutions.iid = nominees.iid and
awards.aid = nominees.aid and personname is not null
GROUP BY nominees.personname, awards.name, nominees.year
HAVING ((awards.name, count(DISTINCT institutions.name)) in
(SELECT awards.name as
awards, count(DISTINCT institutions.name)
FROM nominees, awards, institutions
WHERE nominees.aid = awards.aid and nominees.iid = institutions.iid
GROUP BY awards.name))
ORDER BY nominees.personname, awards.name;
"personname" "award" "year"
"Alexandre" "score" "2011"
"Skyfall" "song" "2013"
"Tangled" "song" "2011"
这给出了我想要的集合,但是我不确定以不同的方式做它是否更有效。我试图让它与 EXISTS 一起工作,但我没有太多运气。