I found many questions about Retina Display, but none of the answers were on the server side.
I would like to deliver a different image according to the screen, ex (in PHP):
if( $is_retina)
$thumbnail = get_image( $item_photo, 'thumbnail_retina' ) ;
$thumbnail = get_image( $item_photo, 'thumbnail' ) ;
Can you see a way of dealing with this?
I can only imagine a test in JavaScript, setting a Cookie. However this requires an initial exchange to set it. Anyone have a better solution?
Cookie setting code:
if( document.cookie.indexOf('device_pixel_ratio') == -1
&& 'devicePixelRatio' in window
&& window.devicePixelRatio == 2 ){
document.cookie = 'device_pixel_ratio=' + window.devicePixelRatio + ';';