如果您只是一遍又一遍地检查相同的查询,有几个选项。在我的脑海中,您可以使用WHERE name IN ('xxx','yyy','zzz','aaa','bbb'...etc)
. 除此之外,您可以将文件导入到另一个表中,并可能运行一个查询来进行插入/更新。
//This is what I'm assuming your data looks like after loading/parsing all the pages.
//if not, it should be similar.
$data = array(
'server 1'=>array('aaa','bbb','ccc'),
'server 2'=>array('xxx','yyy','zzz'),
'server 3'=>array('111','222', '333'));
//where the key is the name of the server and the value is an array of names.
//I suggest using a transaction for this.
mysql_query("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0");
mysql_query("START TRANSACTION");
//update online to 0 for all. This is why you need transactions. You will set online=1
//for all online below.
mysql_query("UPDATE `table` SET `online`=0");
foreach($data as $serverName=>$names){
$sql = "UPDATE `table` SET `online`=1,`server`='{$serverName}' WHERE `name` IN ('".implode("','", $names)."')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
//if the query failed, rollback all changes
die("Mysql error with query: $sql");