
我在让它工作时遇到问题。我正在使用 jQuery 来调用在调整浏览器窗口大小时运行的 resizeWindow 函数。resizeWindow 函数确实按预期工作,但是,调整浏览器窗口大小似乎并没有调用该函数再次运行。

    //Bind the window onresize event
    $(window).bind('resize', resizeWindow);

    //Call resizeWindow() function immediately to intially set elements
    $(window).bind('load', resizeWindow);

function resizeWindow(){
    //Find all the container parent objects
            //Initialize the height variable
            var maxHeight = 0;

            //Cache the jQuery object for faster DOM access and performance
            var $borders = $(this).find('.border');

            //Find all the border child elements within this specific container
                    //Get current element's height
                    var thisHeight = $(this).height();

                    //Check if the current height is greater than the max height thus far
                    //If so, change max height to this height
                    if (thisHeight>maxHeight) maxHeight = thisHeight;

            //Now that we have the maximum height of the elements,
            //set that height for all the .border child elements inside the parent element

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尝试在之后添加此行var $borders

于 2013-03-05T15:53:52.793 回答