我想要完成的是将 DateTime(从假定为 EST/EDT 的字符串解析)转换为 UTC。我使用 NodaTime 是因为我需要使用 Olson 时区。
使用 NodaTime 的 ZoneLocalMappingResolver 将无效(跳过)的 DateTime 转换为 UTC 不会转换输入的分钟和秒部分,因为我已将 CustomResolver 配置为在间隙后返回间隔的开始。NodaTime 似乎没有等效的TimeZoneInfo.IsInvalidTime。
如何使用 NodaTime 将跳过的日期时间值转换为 UTC 并匹配下面 Utils 类中的 GetUtc() 方法的结果?(Utils.GetUtc 方法使用 System.TimeZoneInfo 而不是 NodaTime)
public void Test_Invalid_Date()
var ts = new DateTime(2013, 3, 10, 2, 15, 45);
// Convert to UTC using System.TimeZoneInfo
var utc = Utils.GetUtc(ts).ToString(Utils.Format);
// Convert to UTC using NodaTime (Tzdb/Olson dataabase)
var utcNodaTime = Utils.GetUtcTz(ts).ToString(Utils.Format);
Assert.AreEqual(utc, utcNodaTime);
Assert.AreEqual 失败。预期:<2013-03-10 07:15:45.000000>。实际:<2013-03-10 07:00:00.000000>。
这是 Utils 类(也在github 上):
using System;
using NodaTime;
using NodaTime.TimeZones;
/// <summary>
/// Functions to Convert To and From UTC
/// </summary>
public class Utils
/// <summary>
/// The date format for display/compare
/// </summary>
public const string Format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff";
/// <summary>
/// The eastern U.S. time zone
/// </summary>
private static readonly NodaTime.DateTimeZone BclEast = NodaTime.DateTimeZoneProviders.Bcl.GetZoneOrNull("Eastern Standard Time");
private static readonly TimeZoneInfo EasternTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time");
private static readonly NodaTime.DateTimeZone TzEast = NodaTime.DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull("America/New_York");
private static readonly ZoneLocalMappingResolver CustomResolver = Resolvers.CreateMappingResolver(Resolvers.ReturnLater, Resolvers.ReturnStartOfIntervalAfter);
public static DateTime GetUtc(DateTime ts)
return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(EasternTimeZone.IsInvalidTime(ts) ? ts.AddHours(1.0) : ts, EasternTimeZone);
public static DateTime GetUtcTz(DateTime ts)
var local = LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(ts);
var zdt = TzEast.ResolveLocal(local, CustomResolver);
return zdt.ToDateTimeUtc();
public static DateTime GetUtcBcl(DateTime ts)
var local = LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(ts);
var zdt = BclEast.ResolveLocal(local, CustomResolver);
return zdt.ToDateTimeUtc();