
环境:C#、VS2012、SharePoint 2010

我正在使用控制台应用程序与 SharePoint 网站进行交互,并且我正在尝试对一组警报标题进行简单的字符串比较...但是在调试时,有时会在特定的细绳。这是代码片段:

// This is pointing to a txt file with two lines in it, "folder1" and "folder3"
string[] aTitleList = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\path\to\specific\file.txt");
// Now we iterate through all the alerts to compare titles against those two lines
for (int i = oAlertCollection.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
    System.Guid guid = oAlertCollection[i].ID;
    foreach (string sTitle in aTitleList)
        if (oAlertCollection[i].Title.Contains(sTitle))
            // At this point it throws the exception on the sTitle string
            // But ONLY on "folder3" and ONLY about half of the time
            // If I change it to something other than "folder3" it works 100%


编辑 1 - 循环的深入解释:这种情况下的循环是删除与给定字符串匹配的项目。循环的设置方式,它从最后一个项目开始并迭代直到它达到 0(这是因为 SharePoint 自动将集合中每个项目的 ID 向下移动以替换已删除的项目,因此没有间隙,这也是它获取Count方法的地方,查看集合中编号最高的 ID)。澄清一下:该Count方法返回警报的总数,但实际的警报 ID 从 0 开始,因此for循环在使用i索引之前调整计数。如果该Count方法返回 0 个元素,则for循环将其设置为 -1 并且不会触发。

编辑 2 - 测试结果:我一直在对应用程序进行电池测试,虽然在使用阵列中的 2 个项目时我仍然无法找到它何时工作/炸弹之间的一致性,但我发现了一些可能会阐明原因的东西。如果我将数组增加到 3 个项目,它将始终失败。当第一个或第二个字符串比较为真并且项目被删除时,问题就出现了,因为此时foreach循环没有退出,它会继续针对现在不存在的警报测试剩余的字符串,这会引发异常。当数组中只有两个项目发生这种情况时,在第一个项目触发删除后测试第二个项目并不总是引发异常。一半的时间它“测试”已删除的警报,就好像它仍然在那里一样,并继续主循环。




1 回答 1


As pointed out by Jim Mischel the following can only happen if you happen to delete elements from oAlertCollection in your loop

I'm going out on a limb and assume your oAlertCollection can sometimes hold 0 elements, which is why your code crashes on this line

if (oAlertCollection[i].Title.Contains(sTitle))

You'd then be trying to access position -1 in the array which throws an outofrange exception

You could avoid this by checking for oAlertCollection.Count's value before looping like this

if(oAlertCollection.Count() > 0)
    //for loop

This way if it actually holds 0 elements you avoid the error because it will not enter the loop

于 2013-03-04T22:35:03.760 回答