有人能告诉我 Active MQ 和默认 ESB 消息存储之间的本质区别吗?
There are two type of message stores that WSO2 ESB supports the In memory message store and JMS message store
Here are the main differences between those two
In memory message store
JMS message store
So as a JMS message store you can use any JMS Broker you desire (after some configuration though). It can be Apache Active MQ , some JBOSS destribution or WSO2 message broker (another WSO2 product)
For the simple use case you asked, Please refer this blog post by hiranya jayathilake It clearly define the usage of each message stores
If you are looking for some implementation refer the following posts in WSO2 Oxygen tank
Thank you
有关 ESB In Memory Message Store [1] 和 JMS Message Store [2] 的详细说明,请参阅以下文章。JMS 消息存储可以配置为在 ActiveMQ 中存储消息,如 [3]
[1] http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/ESB460/In+Memory+Message+Store
[2] http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/ESB460/JMS+Message+Store
[3] http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/ESB460/Store+and+Forward+Using+JMS+Message+Stores