我有一个我喜欢的日志记录格式和目标,使用 logging.basicConfig 设置。我开始在我的应用程序中使用 Tornado WebSockets,现在我使用 logging.basicConfig 设置的格式和目标被忽略了。我所有的日志消息都被打印到标准输出(而不是我的目标日志文件),并且格式是 Tornado 的(而不是我自己的)。我该如何解决?


2 回答 2



import logging
from tornado.log import app_log, gen_log, access_log, LogFormatter

# define your new format, for instance :
my_log_format = '%(color)s::: %(levelname)s %(name)s %(asctime)s ::: %(module)s:%(lineno)d in %(funcName)s :::%(end_color)s\
                 \n %(message)s\n' 

# create an instance of tornado formatter, just overriding the 'fmt' arg
my_log_formatter = LogFormatter(fmt=my_log_format, color=True)

# get the parent logger of all tornado loggers :
root_logger     = logging.getLogger()

# set your format to root_logger
root_streamhandler = root_logger.handlers[0]


### let's say we log from your 'main.py' file in an '__init__' function : 

app_log.info('>>> this is app_log')
gen_log.info('>>> this is gen_log ')
access_log.info('>>> this is access_log ')

...而不是默认的 stdout :

[I 180318 21:14:35 main:211] >>> this is app_log 
[I 180318 21:14:35 main:212] >>> this is gen_log 
[I 180318 21:14:35 main:213] >>> this is access_log 


::: INFO tornado.application 180318 21:14:44 ::: main:211 in __init__ :::                   
>>> this is app_log 

::: INFO tornado.general 180318 21:14:44 ::: main:212 in __init__ :::                               
>>> this is gen_log 

::: INFO tornado.access 180318 21:14:44 ::: main:213 in __init__ :::                                
 >>> this is access_log 

我知道这个解决方案不能直接回答您的 basicConfig 问题,但它可以帮助我猜......

于 2018-03-18T21:06:40.747 回答

To direct your logging to your logfile run Tornado like this:

python app.py --log_file_prefix=mylog.log

Update: As stated in the below comment this is probably a better way to setup your log files:

于 2013-03-05T16:29:44.847 回答