我有一些 Python 代码比它应该的要慢得多。
#Generate planets
for t in range(stars*3): #There are 3 planets for every star, but not every star will have 3 planets
if random.randint(0,100) <= 25: #25% of planets have life
theplanet.tl=random.randint(1,9) #With a random tech level
theplanet.tl=0 #The rest don't
theplanet.star=stardict[random.choice(list(stardict.keys()))] #Choose a random star
theplanet.star.planets+=(theplanet,) #Append the new planet to the star's list of planets
theplanet.name=theplanet.star.name+"-"+str(len(theplanet.star.planets)) #Name the planet Starname-X, where X is the length of the star's planets tuple. Since this increases every time a planet is added, it will be 1 for the first planet, 2 for the next, etc...
if math.floor((t/(stars*3))*100)==(t/(stars*3))*100: print("Generating planets: "+str((t/(stars*3))*100)+"% done.")
etc... 行。我在这里猜测,但我假设 dicts 通过搜索 dict 中的每个条目并查看哪个具有正确的键来工作。我再次假设,列表只会在从条目号派生的内存位置读取信息,并且对于非常大的(准确地说是 200,000 个条目)列表/字典要快得多。