我为我的问题的简单性道歉,但我试图使用 Appledocs 生成文档(https://github.com/tomaz/appledoc#quick-install


  • 我克隆了 github 存储库,然后在终端中使用安装脚本(我使用 appledocs --help 确认这一点)安装了 appledocs 。

但是,现在我如何实际使用它,因为我在 xcode 中有我的项目:

  • 如何生成文档文件
  • 它是在哪里生成的?

3 回答 3


我一直在做的就是在我的项目中添加一个可以生成文档的新目标。您可以转到您的项目构建阶段并单击“添加目标”。在 Other 下选择 Aggregate 并为其命名(例如 ProjectDocumentation)。


/usr/local/bin/appledoc \
--project-name HereProjectName \
--project-company "HereProjectCompany" \
--company-id com.companyName \
--keep-undocumented-objects \
--keep-undocumented-members \
--search-undocumented-doc \
--exit-threshold 2 \
--ignore .m \
--output "AppleDoc" .

我使用忽略 *.m 因为我只在我的头文件中编写文档。我的 *.m 文件中的文档仅供我自己使用(因此是私人的)。当您构建此目标时,文档将生成为 XCode 文档集。这可以通过 alt 键单击类名来访问。查看AppleDoc 网站以获取注释语法。

有关命令行选项的说明,请查看 appledoc --help 命令。

于 2013-03-04T16:08:58.750 回答

例如,像这样,它是一个有效的标头,其中包含最新 Appledoc 的源代码文档。

//  GSUserDefaults.h
//  Created by Gabor Szabo on 30/01/2013.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

 @discussion This class manages the user defaults on the device with some extra convenient methods.

 ## Version information

 __Version__: 1.0

 __Found__: 2013-01-30

 __Last update__: 2013-01-30

 __Developer__: Gabor Szabo, TMTI Ltd.


#pragma mark - Interface

@interface GSUserDefaults : NSObject {


#pragma mark - Class Methods

#pragma mark - Getters

/// @name Getter methods

 @abstract Returns the value for the key.
 @discussion It reads the values from the `NSUserDefaults`.
 @param key The key, it must be not `nil`.
 @return The value object for the key.
 @exception NSException Thrown when the key is `nil`.
 @since 1.0+
+ (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key;

 @abstract Returns a value collection for the keys.
 @discussion It reads the values from the `NSUserDefaults`.
 @param keys The set of keys, which are affected.
 @return The value collection for the desired keys.
 @exception NSException Thrown when the key is `nil`.
 @since 1.0+
+ (NSDictionary *)valuesForKeys:(NSSet *)keys;

#pragma mark - Setters

/// @name Setter methods

 @abstract Sets a value for the selected key.
 @discussion The value always will be overridden. It sets the value to the `NSUserDefaults`.
 @param value The value object, it can be `nil`, in case of `nil` the key will be removed from the `NSUserDefaults`.
 @param key The key for the value, it cannot be `nil`.
 @exception NSException Thrown when the key is `nil`.
 @since 1.0+
+ (void)setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key;

 @abstract Sets `nil` values for the selected keys.
 @discussion The value always will be overridden. It removs the from the `NSUserDefaults`.
 @param keys The set of keys, which are affected.
 @since 1.0+
+ (void)setNilValueForKeys:(NSSet *)keys;

 @abstract Sets a default value for the selected keys.
 @discussion It the key already exists, it won't be overridden, if the value was `nil` for the key, the key gets the value. It sets the values to the `NSUserDefaults`.
 @param defaultValue The value object, it could be `nil`, in case of the `nil` just nothing will happen, the keys won't be removed.
 @param keys The set of keys, which are affected.
 @since 1.0+
+ (void)setDefaultValue:(id)defaultValue forKeys:(NSSet *)keys;

 @abstract Sets the value for the selected keys.
 @discussion The values always will be overridden, if the value was `nil` for the key, the key gets the value. It sets the values to the `NSUserDefaults`.
 @param value The value object, it can be `nil`, in case of `nil` the key will be removed from the `NSUserDefaults`.
 @param keys The set of keys, which are affected.
 @since 1.0+
+ (void)setValue:(id)value forKeys:(NSSet *)keys;

于 2013-03-04T17:29:00.290 回答

推荐的方法是clone GitHub project and compile the tool from Xcode。由于克隆 GitHub 项目将创建到主存储库的链接,它也大大简化了未来的升级。要安装,请在终端中键入以下内容:

git clone git://github.com/tomaz/appledoc.git

这将创建 appledoc 目录。您可以在其中找到 appledoc.xcodeproj Xcode 项目;打开它并编译 appledoc 目标 - 这应该是开箱即用的,但是您的系统必须满足最低系统要求,见下文。我建议您将生成的 appledoc 可执行文件从构建目录复制到路径中的目录之一 (echo $PATH) 以使其易于访问。

可选:Appledoc 是独立的,包含必要的模板文件。如果您想将这些默认值从 Templates 子目录修改为预期位置之一:

~/Library/Application Support/appledoc


于 2013-03-04T16:10:45.193 回答