类似于 UITableView 的 visibleCells 实例方法..
使用 indexPathsForVisibleRows 的问题在于它不包括没有任何行的部分。要获取所有可见部分,包括空白部分,您必须检查该部分的矩形并将其与表格的 contentOffset 进行比较。
@interface UITableView (VisibleSections)
// Returns an array of NSNumbers of the current visible section indexes
- (NSArray *)indexesOfVisibleSections;
// Returns an array of UITableViewHeaderFooterView objects of the current visible section headers
- (NSArray *)visibleSections;
@implementation UITableView (VisibleSections)
- (NSArray *)indexesOfVisibleSections {
// Note: We can't just use indexPathsForVisibleRows, since it won't return index paths for empty sections.
NSMutableArray *visibleSectionIndexes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.numberOfSections];
for (int i = 0; i < self.numberOfSections; i++) {
CGRect headerRect;
// In plain style, the section headers are floating on the top, so the section header is visible if any part of the section's rect is still visible.
// In grouped style, the section headers are not floating, so the section header is only visible if it's actualy rect is visible.
if (self.style == UITableViewStylePlain) {
headerRect = [self rectForSection:i];
} else {
headerRect = [self rectForHeaderInSection:i];
// The "visible part" of the tableView is based on the content offset and the tableView's size.
CGRect visiblePartOfTableView = CGRectMake(self.contentOffset.x, self.contentOffset.y, self.bounds.size.width, self.bounds.size.height);
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(visiblePartOfTableView, headerRect)) {
[visibleSectionIndexes addObject:@(i)];
return visibleSectionIndexes;
- (NSArray *)visibleSections {
NSMutableArray *visibleSects = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.numberOfSections];
for (NSNumber *sectionIndex in self.indexesOfVisibleSections) {
UITableViewHeaderFooterView *sectionHeader = [self headerViewForSection:sectionIndex.intValue];
[visibleSects addObject:sectionHeader];
return visibleSects;
我真的很喜欢@adamsiton 的解决方案,最后我把它翻译成了swift。在这里,仅供参考。
我调用了文件 UITableView+VisibleSections.swift
import UIKit
public extension UITableView {
var indexesOfVisibleSections: [Int] {
// Note: We can't just use indexPathsForVisibleRows, since it won't return index paths for empty sections.
var visibleSectionIndexes = [Int]()
for i in 0..<numberOfSections {
var headerRect: CGRect?
// In plain style, the section headers are floating on the top, so the section header is visible if any part of the section's rect is still visible.
// In grouped style, the section headers are not floating, so the section header is only visible if it's actualy rect is visible.
if (self.style == .plain) {
headerRect = rect(forSection: i)
} else {
headerRect = rectForHeader(inSection: i)
if headerRect != nil {
// The "visible part" of the tableView is based on the content offset and the tableView's size.
let visiblePartOfTableView: CGRect = CGRect(x: contentOffset.x, y: contentOffset.y, width: bounds.size.width, height: bounds.size.height)
if (visiblePartOfTableView.intersects(headerRect!)) {
return visibleSectionIndexes
var visibleSectionHeaders: [UITableViewHeaderFooterView] {
var visibleSects = [UITableViewHeaderFooterView]()
for sectionIndex in indexesOfVisibleSections {
if let sectionHeader = headerView(forSection: sectionIndex) {
return visibleSects
NSArray *visibleRows = [self.tableView indexPathsForVisibleRows];
NSMutableIndexSet *sections = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
for (NSIndexPath *indexPath in visibleRows) {
[sections addIndex:indexPath.section];
NSMutableArray *headerViews = [NSMutableArray array];
[sections enumerateIndexesUsingBlock:^(NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
UIView *view = [self.tableView headerViewForSection:idx];
[headerViews addObject:view];
注意:未经测试的代码 - 可能包含拼写错误。对于分组样式表,这不会 100% 起作用。
Benjamin Wheeler 的解决方案是一个很棒的 Swift 解决方案。由于新的 Swift 语法,我修复了其中的一个问题,并对其进行了修改以匹配默认 UITableView 实现提供的 .visibleCells 属性。
extension UITableView {
/// The table section headers that are visible in the table view. (read-only)
/// The value of this property is an array containing UITableViewHeaderFooterView objects, each representing a visible cell in the table view.
/// Derived From: [http://stackoverflow.com/a/31029960/5191100](http://stackoverflow.com/a/31029960/5191100)
var visibleSectionHeaders: [UITableViewHeaderFooterView] {
get {
var visibleSects = [UITableViewHeaderFooterView]()
for sectionIndex in indexesOfVisibleSections() {
if let sectionHeader = self.headerViewForSection(sectionIndex) {
return visibleSects
private func indexesOfVisibleSections() -> Array<Int> {
// Note: We can't just use indexPathsForVisibleRows, since it won't return index paths for empty sections.
var visibleSectionIndexes = Array<Int>()
for (var i = 0; i < self.numberOfSections; i++) {
var headerRect: CGRect?
// In plain style, the section headers are floating on the top,
// so the section header is visible if any part of the section's rect is still visible.
// In grouped style, the section headers are not floating,
// so the section header is only visible if it's actual rect is visible.
if (self.style == .Plain) {
headerRect = self.rectForSection(i)
} else {
headerRect = self.rectForHeaderInSection(i)
if headerRect != nil {
// The "visible part" of the tableView is based on the content offset and the tableView's size.
let visiblePartOfTableView: CGRect = CGRect(
x: self.contentOffset.x,
y: self.contentOffset.y,
width: self.bounds.size.width,
height: self.bounds.size.height
if (visiblePartOfTableView.intersects(headerRect!)) {
return visibleSectionIndexes
基于 @OhadM 的答案 ( https://stackoverflow.com/a/45525595/5058116 ),但它会检查潜在nil
extension UITableView {
/// The section header views that are visible in the table view.
var visibleHeaderViews: [UITableViewHeaderFooterView] {
var headerViews = [UITableViewHeaderFooterView]()
guard let indexPaths = indexPathsForVisibleRows else { return headerViews }
for indexPath in indexPaths {
if let headerView = headerView(forSection: indexPath.section) {
return headerViews
在这种情况下,我认为您将 设置cell.tag
为当前部分 ( indexPath.section
- (NSArray *)indexesOfVisibleSections {
NSMutableArray *visibleSections = [NSMutableArray array];
for (UITableViewCell * cell in [self.tableView visibleCells]) {
if (![visibleSections containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self.tableView indexPathForCell:cell].section]]) {
[visibleSections addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self.tableView indexPathForCell:cell].section]];
return visibleSections;
- (UITableViewHeaderFooterView *)headerViewForSection:(NSInteger)section;
快速查看UITableView文档为我们提供了indexPathsForVisibleRows并将其与 map 结合为我们提供了我们需要的数组:
tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows.map{ tableView.headerView(forSection: $0.section) }
map 返回我们可见的 headers-in-section 的数组。
Swift 4+ 干净简单,没有重复:
extension UITableView {
var visibleHeaderViews: [UITableViewHeaderFooterView] {
guard let visibleSectionsIndexPaths = indexPathsForVisibleRows?.compactMap({ $0.section }) else { return [] }
return Set(visibleSectionsIndexPaths).compactMap { headerView(forSection: $0) }
循环调用。对于不可见的标题视图,它将返回 nil。
for section in 0 ..< tableView.numberOfSections {
guard let header = tableView.headerView(forSection: section) as? CustomHeaderView else { continue }