简单?特别是,约束BaseGrid (Container gm k) ~ BaseGrid gm
、Container (Container gm k) ~ Container gm
和GridMap (Container gm k)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Prelude hiding (map)
import Data.List (minimumBy)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ord (comparing)
class Grid g where
type Index g
indices :: g -> [Index g]
-- plus other functions
class (Grid (BaseGrid gm)) => GridMap gm where
type BaseGrid gm
type Value gm
type Container gm :: * -> *
toMap :: gm -> M.Map (Index (BaseGrid gm)) (Value gm)
toList :: gm -> [(Index (BaseGrid gm), Value gm)]
toList = M.toList . toMap
:: (GridMap gm2, gm2 ~ Container gm (Value gm2)) =>
(Value gm -> Value gm2) -> gm -> gm2
:: (GridMap gm2, gm2 ~ Container gm (Value gm2)) =>
(Index gm -> Value gm -> Value gm2) -> gm -> gm2
-- plus other functions
class Pattern p where
type Metric p
difference :: p -> p -> Metric p
makeSimilar :: p -> Metric p -> p -> p
:: (GridMap gm1, p ~ Value gm1, GridMap gm2, Pattern p,
Metric p ~ Value gm2, Container gm1 ~ Container gm2,
BaseGrid gm1 ~ BaseGrid gm2,
gm2 ~ Container gm2 (Value gm2)) =>
gm1 -> p -> gm2
diff c pattern = map (pattern `difference`) c
:: (GridMap gm, p ~ Value gm, Pattern p, Ord k, k ~ Metric p,
k ~ Index (BaseGrid gm), k ~ Value (Container gm k),
BaseGrid (Container gm k) ~ BaseGrid gm,
Container (Container gm k) ~ Container gm,
GridMap (Container gm k)) =>
gm -> p -> k
classify c pattern =
fst $ minimumBy (comparing snd) $ toList $ diff c pattern
编辑:我喜欢 leventov 的解决方案,但是当我尝试实现它时,我得到一个我不理解的编译错误。
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Prelude hiding (map)
import Data.List (minimumBy)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ord (comparing)
class Grid g where
type Index g
indices :: g -> [Index g]
-- plus other functions
class (Grid (BaseGrid gm a)) => GridMap gm a where
type BaseGrid gm a
toMap :: gm -> M.Map (Index (BaseGrid gm a)) a
toList :: gm -> [(Index (BaseGrid gm a), a)]
toList = M.toList . toMap
map :: GridMap gm b => (a -> b) -> gm a -> gm b -- <<<<<LINE 20>>>>>
:: GridMap gm b =>
(Index (BaseGrid gm a) -> a -> b) -> gm a -> gm b
-- plus other functions
class Pattern p where
type Metric p
difference :: p -> p -> Metric p
makeSimilar :: p -> Metric p -> p -> p
:: (GridMap gm p, Pattern p, GridMap gm m,
Metric p ~ m, BaseGrid gm p ~ BaseGrid gm m) =>
gm p -> p -> gm m
diff c pattern = map (pattern `difference`) c
:: (GridMap gm p, Pattern p, Ord k, k ~ Metric p,
k ~ Index (BaseGrid gm p),
BaseGrid gm k ~ BaseGrid gm p) =>
gm p -> p -> k
classify c pattern =
fst $ minimumBy (comparing snd) $ toList $ diff c pattern
`gm' is applied to too many type arguments
In the type `GridMap gm b => (a -> b) -> gm a -> gm b'
In the class declaration for `GridMap'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
如果我离开约束,我也会收到此错误GridMap gm b =>