我无法让 Pix 调试着色器。我以前用过它完全没问题,但今天我在尝试调试顶点或像素着色器时一直收到这个错误:
"Playback failure is the error state that occurs following a successful timing capture.
There are many reasons why a call that succeeded at capture time can fail during PIX playback. Here are some common causes:
If the run file was captured on a system with different capabilities or more video memory. Also, PIX Win will use up more video memory than the original title did when it allowed debugging.
It can also occur if your Direct3D control panel settings are different from when the run file was captured. Some Direct3D 9 calls only fail when the debug runtime is active.
In the case of Direct3D 9 playback, the mesh viewer and shader debugging potentially use different device settings than the original application that can cause playback failures. For example, the shader debugging has to use a reference device. In this situation, there is a possibility that the HW device supports settings that are not supported under the reference device like StretchRect() filters. "
我还应该补充一点,我正在将 Pix 与 DirecX 9 XNA 应用程序一起使用。我已经尝试过测试调试版本和发布版本。我已禁用 D3D 分析并正在使用帧捕获。