use DBI;
use DBD::Mock;
use DBD::Mock::st;
use Carp;
# array of values to be bound on each invocation
my @values = qw/frobnication/;
# dummy variable to trick DBD::Mock into thinking it got the same reference for
# bind_param_inout and bound_params (the former is usually not in the control of
# the testing code, hence this hack).
my $dummy = undef;
# keep reference to the original bind_param_inout method
my $bind_param_inout_orig = \&DBD::Mock::st::bind_param_inout;
# override with our mocked version that assigns a value to the reference.
# notice that it does so at the bind_param_inout call, *NOT* the execute call!
local *DBD::Mock::st::bind_param_inout = sub {
my ($self, $param_num, $val, $size) = (shift, shift, shift, shift);
$bind_param_inout_orig->($self, $param_num, \$dummy, $size, @_);
$$val = shift @values or Carp::confess '@values array exhausted!';
# set up the mock session
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Mock:', '', '',
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 });
$dbh->{mock_session} = DBD::Mock::Session->new('foo_session' => (
statement => qr/BEGIN\n\s*some_stored_proc/,
results => [],
bound_params => ['foo', \$dummy]
# this is the code to be tested
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
some_stored_proc(i_arg1 => :arg1, o_arg2 => :arg2);
my ($arg1, $arg2) = ('foo', 'bar');
$sth->bind_param(':arg1', $arg1);
$sth->bind_param_inout(':arg2', \$arg2, 200);
print STDERR "OUTPUT VALUE OF arg2 = $arg2\n";