我正在尝试使用 AppleScript 向当前 XCode 项目中的选定 .m 文件添加断点。
现在我被困住了,因为 AppleScript 在尝试添加文件断点时不断返回“缺失值”。
我当前的 AppleScript 看起来像这样(其中 PROJECTNAME 显然是我当前项目的名称):
tell application "Xcode"
-- Get the name of the selected document
set selectedFile to text document 1 whose name ends with (word -1 of (get name of window 1))
set nameOfSelectedFile to name of selectedFile
set fileReference to missing value
set activeProject to project "PROJECTNAME"
-- Iterate over the main groups of the project
tell activeProject
repeat with currentGroup in groups
set nameOfGroup to name of currentGroup
-- Iterate over the file within the main groups
repeat with currentFile in file references of currentGroup
set nameOfFile to name of currentFile
-- If the current iterated file's name equals the file of the nameOfSelectedFile we've got the fileReference
if nameOfFile is equal to nameOfSelectedFile then
set fileReference to currentFile
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
if fileReference is equal to missing value then
return "No match found"
-- Try to add file breakpoint to the active workspace document
set awd to active workspace document
tell awd
make new file breakpoint with properties {line number:21, file reference:fileReference, automatically continue:true, enabled:true, name:"test", condition:"none", id:"test"}
end tell
end if
end tell