我的网站有一个要求,用户可以在文本框中输入一些“文本”,我必须在下拉列表中显示一些搜索建议。我已经注册了一个必应搜索帐户并获得了一个帐户密钥。但我看不到任何示例代码如何使用 Jquery 实现此功能。
我的网站是用 Asp.Net MVC 编写的,如果有人能指出示例代码,那就太好了。
谢谢 !
来源: http: //www.bing.com/developers/s/APIBasics.html
您需要做的就是通过 XHR (POST) 发布 REST API 请求并以文本形式获取数据。您可以使用 JSON.parse() 解析响应。
早在 6 月份,我就为自己的需要编写了一个简单的库:jquery-bingsearch(GitHub 源代码和网页)。我意识到您可能已经解决了您的问题,但我想将其留在这里以备将来使用 Google 果汁。
按照此页面上的步骤 1 获取应用程序密钥。
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.bingsearch-min.js"></script>
注意:必须至少传入 、 或 中的一个,beforeSearchResults
// Required: query text
query: 'query text here',
// Required (unless you use urlBase) by Bing Search API
appKey: 'Put your Windows Azure Marketplace Bing Search API Primary Account Key here'
// Optional (defaults to the Bing Search API Web Results Query).
// Additional information: This feature allows you to proxy through a server-side
// script in order to hide your API key, which is exposed to the
// world if you set it client-side in appKey. An example PHP
// script is included (searchproxy.php).
urlBase: 'searchproxy.php',
// Optional (defaults to 1): Page Number
pageNumber: parseInt($('#pageNumber').val()),
// Optional (defaults to 10): Page Size
pageSize: 10,
// Optional (defaults to null): Limit to site. Shortcut to adding "site:example.org " to query
limitToSite: 'example.org',
// Optional (defaults to false): Print console logging information about search results
debug: false,
// Optional: Function is called after search results are retrieved, but before the interator is called
beforeSearchResults: function(data) {
// Use data.hasMore, data.resultBatchCount
// Optional: Function is called once per result in the current batch
searchResultIterator: function(data) {
// Use data.ID, data.Title, data.Description, data.Url, data.DisplayUrl, data.Metadata.Type (check for undefined)
// Optional: Function is called after search results are retrieved and after all instances of the interator are called
afterSearchResults: function(data) {
// Use data.hasMore, data.resultBatchCount
// Optional: Called when there is an error retrieving results
fail: function(data) {
// data contains an error message