我有一个类似于 Twig 的模板结构。我用正则表达式划分这个目前成功的。

{% for array as item %}
    {% item.party %}
    {% item %}
{% else %}
    // If empty...
{% endfor %}

{% if !var %}
   // Full
{% else %}
   // Empty
{% endif %}

// Is var full, replace block whit var
{% block var %}
   Some Code
{% endblock %}

正则表达式 preg_match_all('/(?:{% (for|if|block) )(.*?)(?: %})(.*?)({% else %}(.*?))?(?:{% end\1 %})/is', $content, $data);


{% for array as item %} // From here on
   {% item.title %}
   {% for item.sub as sub %}
      {% sub.title %}
   {% endfor %} // To here
{% endfor %}



1 回答 1


The following seems to meet your requirements.

It uses (?R) to allow recursive matching of the whole expression within a block.
See Recursive patterns and PCRE.

    '/(?:{% (for|if|block) )(.*?)(?: %})(?:(?R)|(.*?)({% else %}(.*?))?)*(?:{% end\1 %})/is',
     $content, $data

The only changes I made to your expression were additions to surround the block's inner content sub-pattern in a non-capturing group, and to add the (R) alternative to it:


The (?R) attempts to match the whole regular expression, thereby matching any other blocks within the outer block.

You could also surround the (?R) with parentheses, i.e. ((?R)), so these inner blocks will be available in the third capture group.

于 2013-03-03T22:57:49.863 回答