所以,我实现了一个小的 SQLite 包装器,我希望解决方案是通用的(不是我们所有人)。之后,我现在意识到这些类和接口的使用不是很直观,也不是通用的。
(因为所有行都需要一个)。这导致以下定义:class DataRow { public int Id { get; set; } }
internal interface ITable<T>
where T : DataRow, new()
T Select(int id);
List<T> Select(List<int> ids);
int Insert(T t);
void Update(T t);
bool Delete(int id);
public class Table<T> : ITable<T>
where T : DataRow, new()
// Commented out to protect you from a minor case of serious brain damage.
public class Car : DataRow
public decimal ParkingTicketDebt { get; set; }
public DateTime WhenWifeWillAllowReplacement { get; set; }
public bool CanTransformIntoSomethingAwesome { get; set; }
public class Cars : Table<Car> {
// Yep, that's all. You can go home now, folks. There's nothing here. Nothing at all. Especially not a great treasure of gold. Whops... I mean... there's really not. Not that I'm aware of, anyway... I mean, there could be. Not that I wouldn't say if I had any information on this great trasure of gold that might exist. But I know nothing of such an item. I really don't, so you can stop thinking about this great treasure of gold. Since I don't know anything about it, the chance that it even exist is extremely low. Miniscule. I mean, you would probably not find anything, not even if you digged for, like, a really long time. Seven years or something. Oookay. Slowly fading away...
无论如何,这里有一个 class 的使用示例Cars
new Cars().Delete(3497); // Note that I have a great number of (expensive) cars.
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public int CreateEmptyRow(string tableName)
var tableType = Type.GetType(tableName);
if (tableType == null)
throw new TypeLoadException("Dumbass. That table doesn't exist");
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(tableType) as ITable<dynamic>;
if (instance == null)
throw new TypeLoadException("Idiot. That type isn't a table");
return instance.Insert(new DataRow());
那么这有什么问题呢?嗯,它不编译,一方面。这是错误:There is no implicit reference conversion from 'dynamic' to 'DataRow'
问题很明显Activator.CreateInstance(tableType) as ITable<dynamic>
。我已经尝试过类似Activator.CreateInstance(tableType) as ITable<Table<DataRow>>
的尝试,这给了我这个错误:The type 'DataRow' must be convertible to 'DataRow'