我正在尝试运行一个批处理脚本,这应该是我在 mongodb 上的第一个分片。它在这一行显示以下错误:

D:\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2.2.3\bin>mongos --configdb localhost:26050, localhost:26051, localhost:26052  --logappend --logpath log.mongos0

error command line: too many positional options
use --help for help

1 回答 1


The "too many positional operators" error means you have a mismatch in the number of command line parameters and values provided.

Specifically, the spaces between names of config servers are being interpreted as different (unknown) parameters.

Corrected command line:

mongos --configdb localhost:26050,localhost:26051,localhost:26052 --logappend --logpath log.mongos0
于 2013-03-03T11:47:59.833 回答