从这里开始,如果每个元组中的第二个项目是重复的,我如何从元组列表中删除元素?,我可以从 1 个元组列表中删除元组中第二个元素的重复项。

假设我有 2 个元组列表:

alist = [(0.7897897,'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.653234, 'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.353234, 'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.325345, 'this is not really a foo bar'),
(0.323234, 'this is a foo bar sentence'),]

blist = [(0.64637,'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.534234, 'i am going to foo bar this sentence'),
(0.453234, 'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.323445, 'this is not really a foo bar')]

如果第二个元素相同(score_from_alist * score_from_blist),我需要合并分数并获得所需的输出:

clist = [(0.51,'this is a foo bar sentence'), # 0.51 = 0.789 * 0.646
(0.201, 'this is not really a foo bar')] # 0.201  = 0.325 * 0.323

目前,我正在通过这样做来实现 clist,但是当我的 alist 和 blist 有大约 5500 多个元组时,它需要 5 多秒,其中第二个元素每个大约有 20-40 个单词。有什么方法可以使以下功能更快?

def overlapMatches(alist, blist):
    start_time = time.time()
    clist = []
    overlap = set()
    for d in alist:
        for dn in blist:
            if d[1] == dn[1]:
                score = d[0]*dn[0]
    for s in sorted(overlap, reverse=True)[:20]:
    print "overlapping matches takes", time.time() - start_time 
    return clist

2 回答 2



alist = [(0.7897897,'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.653234, 'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.353234, 'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.325345, 'this is not really a foo bar'),
(0.323234, 'this is a foo bar sentence'),]

blist = [(0.64637,'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.534234, 'i am going to foo bar this sentence'),
(0.453234, 'this is a foo bar sentence'),
(0.323445, 'this is not really a foo bar')]

bdict = {k:v for v,k in reversed(blist)}
clist = []
cset = set()
for v,k in alist:
   if k not in cset:
      b = bdict.get(k, None)
      if b is not None:
        clist.append((v * b, k))


如果您不关心 的顺序clist,可以稍微简化结构:

bdict = {k:v for v,k in reversed(blist)}
cdict = {}
for v,k in alist:
   if k not in cdict:
      b = bdict.get(k, None)
      if b is not None:
        cdict[k] = v * b
print(list((k,v) for v,k in cdict.items()))
于 2013-03-03T08:51:35.883 回答


# remove duplicates (take the 1st item among duplicates)
a, b = [{sentence: score for score, sentence in reversed(lst)}
        for lst in [alist, blist]]

# merge (leave only tuples that have common 2nd items (sentences))
clist = [(a[s]*b[s], s) for s in a.viewkeys() & b.viewkeys()]
clist.sort(reverse=True) # sort by (score, sentence) in descending order


[(0.510496368389, 'this is a foo bar sentence'),
 (0.10523121352499999, 'this is not really a foo bar')]
于 2013-03-03T16:43:41.757 回答