你知道如何用外连接连接两个表吗?知道在 SQL 中执行此操作,但我现在需要 Excel。


表 1 - 所有员工名单


表 2 - 实际任务列表

费尔南多,任务 A,5 小时
Vivian,任务 B,8 小时


费尔南多,任务 A,5 小时
Vivian,任务 B,8 小时
赫克托, , 0 小时
伊万, , 0 小时



3 回答 3


如果您使用 ADO,Excel 中确实存在左连接之类的东西。

转到 VBA 编辑器 (Alt-F11) 并添加对“Microsoft ActiveX 数据对象 2.8 库”的引用(工具 > 引用)。创建一个新的普通模块(插入>模块)并添加以下代码:

Option Explicit

Sub get_employees()

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

' This is the Excel 97-2003 connection string. It should also work with
' Excel 2007 onwards worksheets as long as they have less than 65536
' rows
'With cn
'    .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
'    .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";" & _
'        "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
'    .Open
'End With

With cn
    .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
    .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";" & _
        "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Macro;IMEX=1;HDR=YES"";"
End With

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] LEFT JOIN [Sheet2$] ON [Sheet1$].[EMPLOYEE] = " & _
    "[Sheet2$].[EMPLOYEE]", cn

Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Dim i As Integer

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3")
    i = 0
    For Each fld In rs.Fields
        i = i + 1
        .Cells(1, i).Value = fld.Name
    Next fld
    .Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs
End With


End Sub

保存工作簿,然后运行代码,您应该会在 Sheet3 上获得一个左连接列表。您会看到 Employee 列是重复的,但是您可以通过适当地修改 SELECT 子句来对其进行排序。您还将有空白单元格,而不是没有匹配的 0 小时

编辑:我在代码注释中留下了 Excel 97-2003 连接字符串的详细信息,但已将代码更改为使用 Excel 2007 及更高版本的连接字符串。我还添加了代码来输出字​​段名称并在输出记录集后自动调整列

于 2013-03-04T01:05:39.487 回答



  A,         B,            C              D
fernando, vlookup(...), vlookup(...), =if(ISNA(B2),"<default-1>"), =if(ISNA(B2),"deafult2)

然后隐藏列 C 和 B


实际上有一些接近的东西:Pivot Table。您可以以非引用单元格保持空白的方式组织数据。

但这是与公式不同的解决方案 - 它可能不适合,取决于您的使用情况。

于 2013-03-03T02:50:02.243 回答

This method does copy and pasting, filtering, and sorting to accomplish an outer join in Excel and good for just one offs. The idea is to use a VLOOKUP to find all matching records from the left to the right tables and right to the left tables. [Adding another record to table 2 to show outer join]

Table 1


Table 2

Fernando, task A, 5 hours
Vivian, task B, 8 hours
Thomas, task A, 5 hours

Copy both tables into one table where table 1 will take up the first left columns and first rows and table 2 will take up the last right columns and last rows (The headers should be row 1 for both tables). Create a VLOOKUP function for the next two columns to find matching keys from the left to right tables and right to left tables.

Table 3

Name     Name     Task    Hours   Match 1                  Match 2
Fernando                          =VLOOKUP(A2,B:B,1,FALSE) =VLOOKUP(B2,A:A,1,FALSE)
Hector                            =VLOOKUP(A3,B:B,1,FALSE) =VLOOKUP(B3,A:A,1,FALSE)
Vivian                            =VLOOKUP(A4,B:B,1,FALSE) =VLOOKUP(B4,A:A,1,FALSE)
Ivan                              =VLOOKUP(A5,B:B,1,FALSE) =VLOOKUP(B5,A:A,1,FALSE)
         Fernando task A  5 hours =VLOOKUP(A6,B:B,1,FALSE) =VLOOKUP(B6,A:A,1,FALSE)
         Vivian   task B  8 hours =VLOOKUP(A7,B:B,1,FALSE) =VLOOKUP(B7,A:A,1,FALSE)
         Thomas   task B  8 hours =VLOOKUP(A8,B:B,1,FALSE) =VLOOKUP(B8,A:A,1,FALSE)

Table 3 Result

Name     Name     Task    Hours   Match 1  Match 2
Fernando                          Fernando N/A
Hector                            N/A      N/A
Vivian                            Vivian   N/A
Ivan                              N/A      N/A
         Fernando task A  5 hours N/A      Fernando
         Vivian   task B  8 hours N/A      Vivian
         Thomas   task B  8 hours N/A      N/A

NOTE: For large data sets, the next step will take a very long time because of the VLOOKUP calculation that happens. Copy and paste over columns for match 1 and match 2 columns as values so that VLOOKUP doesn't recalculate during filtering.

Filter on Match 1 and Match 2 to only see all N/A results. Copy the main data to another sheet with headers.

Name     Name     Task    Hours   Match 1  Match 2
Hector                            N/A      N/A
Ivan                              N/A      N/A
         Thomas   task B  8 hours N/A      N/A

Filter on Match 1 and Match 2 to not see N/A results. Sort on keys for both, so that when copy and pasting everything matches. Copy and paste Table 1 data into the new sheet below previously pasted data first. Then copy and paste Table 2 data to the right of the Table 1 data that was just pasted.

Name     Name     Task    Hours   Match 1  Match 2
Fernando                          Fernando N/A
Vivian                            Vivian   N/A
         Fernando task A  5 hours N/A      Fernando
         Vivian   task B  8 hours N/A      Vivian

The result is below and you can delete, sort, whatever to the outer joined data.

Name     Name     Task    Hours
         Thomas   task B  8 hours
Fernando Fernando task A  5 hours
Vivian   Vivian   task B  8 hours
于 2015-12-10T16:52:10.037 回答