
我一直试图更进一步,但没有成功。单击“添加”按钮时,我希望将用户输入保存到月份日历上选择的日期。因此,如果用户单击没有保存信息的日期,则 listBox 保持为空。如果在某个日期保存了信息,则列表框将显示标题。


class MeetingManager
    private Meeting[] meetings; 
    public int currentIndex;  
    public int maxIndex;   
    private string title;       
    private string location;  
    private string startTime; 
    private string endTime; 
    private string notes;    

    public MeetingManager()
        meetings = new Meeting[10];
        currentIndex = -1;
        maxIndex = -1;

   // excluded getter/setters + basic error checking 

    public void Add()
            if (maxIndex >= meetings.Length - 1)
                throw new ApplicationException("YOU CAN ONLY CREATE 10 MEETINGS");
                currentIndex = maxIndex;
                Meeting temp = new Meeting(Title, Location, StartTime, EndTime, Notes);
                meetings[maxIndex] = temp;
                Title = meetings[maxIndex].Title;
                Location = meetings[maxIndex].Location;
                StartTime = meetings[maxIndex].StartTime;
                EndTime = meetings[maxIndex].EndTime;
                Notes = meetings[maxIndex].Notes;

        catch (ApplicationException ex)
            throw ex; // toss it up to the presentation


    public void Add(string title, string location, string startTime, string endTime, string notes)
            Title = title;
            Location = location;
            StartTime = startTime;
            EndTime = endTime;
            Notes = notes;
        catch (ApplicationException ex)
            throw ex;
     public override string ToString()
        return Title;


     public partial class CalendarForm : Form
     private MeetingManager mManager; // reference to business layer object

     private void calendarSaveChangesButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            mManager.Title = textBoxTitle.Text;
            mManager.Location = textBoxLocation.Text;
            mManager.StartTime = maskedStartTimeTextBox.Text;
            mManager.EndTime = maskedEndTimeTextBox.Text;
            mManager.Notes = notesTextBox.Text;

            meetingListBox.Enabled = true;

            //clears the textBoxes after clickng saveChanges
            textBoxTitle.Text = "";
            textBoxLocation.Text = "";
            maskedStartTimeTextBox.Text = "";
            maskedEndTimeTextBox.Text = "";
            notesTextBox.Text = "";

        catch (ApplicationException ex)
            MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message);


        /// <summary>
    ///  When a meeting is selected from the listBox, it re-populates
    /// the empty fields with the information stored in the array element
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    private void meetingListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MeetingManager m = meetingListBox.SelectedItem as MeetingManager;
        if (m != null)
            textBoxTitle.Text = m.Title;
            textBoxLocation.Text = m.Location;
            maskedStartTimeTextBox.Text = m.StartTime;
            maskedEndTimeTextBox.Text = m.EndTime;
            notesTextBox.Text = m.Notes;




1 回答 1



class MeetingManager

    //add and implement a find method which returns a Meeting-object if there is a
 //corresponding meeting date (in private Meeting[] meetings;)

    public Meeting MeetingFinder(DateTime meetingTime)
        //if there is a corresponding meeting-object for the date, return the meeting object
        //if there isn't, return null


public partial class CalendarForm : Form


    private void monthCalendar_DateChanged(object sender, DateRangeEventArgs e)
        //which date was selected?
            var selectedDate = monthCalendar.SelectionRange.Start;

        //do we have that date in the meetings?
        var meetingOnTheSelectedDate = mManager.MeetingFinder(selectedDate);

        if(meetingOnTheSelectedDate != null)
            //populate your winform with the data from meetingOnTheSelectedDate


于 2013-03-02T22:57:42.917 回答