
我之前发布了一个关于语法错误的问题,这里是我从 Internet 复制的 Python 代码中的无效语法错误。幸运的是,多亏了你,我的问题很快得到了解决。但是,既然没有语法错误,我发现自己很无助,因为我不知道现在该怎么处理这段代码。正如我所说,我在 3 年前完成了一些基本的 Python 培训,但人脑似乎忘记了事情的速度如此之快。

所以简而言之,我需要将一些文件的网格分辨率降低到一半,并且我一直在寻找一种方法来做到这一点。幸运的是,我发现了一些似乎完全符合我要求的 python 代码。代码是这样的:

#!/bin/env python
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reduce grid data to a smaller size by averaging over cells of specified
# size and write the output as a netcdf file.  xyz_origin and xyz_step
# attributes are adjusted.
# Syntax: downsize.py <x-cell-size> <y-cell-size> <z-cell-size>
#                       <in-file> <netcdf-out-file>
import sys

import Numeric

from VolumeData import Grid_Data, Grid_Component

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def downsize(mode, cell_size, inpath, outpath):

  from VolumeData import fileformats
    grid_data = fileformats.open_file(inpath)
  except fileformats.Uknown_File_Type as e:

  reduced = Reduced_Grid(grid_data, mode, cell_size)

  from VolumeData.netcdf.netcdf_grid import write_grid_as_netcdf
  write_grid_as_netcdf(reduced, outpath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Average over cells to produce reduced size grid object.
# If the grid data sizes are not multiples of the cell size then the
# final data values along the dimension are not included in the reduced
# data (ie ragged blocks are not averaged).
class Reduced_Grid(Grid_Data):

  def __init__(self, grid_data, mode, cell_size):

    size = map(lambda s, cs: s / cs, grid_data.size, cell_size)
    xyz_origin = grid_data.xyz_origin
    xyz_step = map(lambda step, cs: step*cs, grid_data.xyz_step, cell_size)
    component_name = grid_data.component_name
    components = []
    for component in grid_data.components:
      components.append(Reduced_Component(component, mode, cell_size))

    Grid_Data.__init__(self, '', '', size, xyz_origin, xyz_step,
                       component_name, components)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Average over cells to produce reduced size grid object.
class Reduced_Component(Grid_Component):

  def __init__(self, component, mode, cell_size):

    self.component = component
    self.mode = mode
    self.cell_size = cell_size
    Grid_Component.__init__(self, component.name, component.rgba)

  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  def submatrix(self, ijk_origin, ijk_size):

    ijk_full_origin = map(lambda i, cs: i * cs, ijk_origin, self.cell_size)
    ijk_full_size = map(lambda s, cs: s*cs, ijk_size, self.cell_size)
    values = self.component.submatrix(ijk_full_origin, ijk_full_size)

    if mode == 'ave':
      m = average_down(values, self.cell_size)

我将其保存为 .py 文件,当我双击它时,命令提示符会出现一毫秒然后消失。我设法截取了该命令提示符的屏幕截图,上面写着“无法使用'bin/env python“C:\Users............py”创建进程。


# Syntax: downsize.py <x-cell-size> <y-cell-size> <z-cell-size>
    #                       <in-file> <netcdf-out-file>

你能帮助我吗 ?


1 回答 1


不要通过双击来运行该文件。通过打开一个新的 shell 来运行该文件,然后输入.py文件的路径(或只是cd到父目录),然后输入您要传​​递的参数。例如:

python downsize.py 1 2 3 foo bar
于 2013-03-02T17:42:54.367 回答