我有插件之间的通信问题。每个插件都加载到单独的 AppDomain 中。我还想知道一些关于插件的信息(名称、版本、..)。


在教程中是方法,raiseEvent()但当我调用它时没有任何反应。我想获取新 appDomain 中的插件名称,并且教程中的事件不起作用。



         public static void Main(string[] args)
        //Using block will make sure that the cleanup code of PluginHost is executed
        using (PluginHost host = new PluginHost())
            host.PluginChange += new PluginEventHandler(host_PluginChange);

    static void host_PluginChange(string message)


        event PluginEventHandler _pluginEvent;
    public event PluginEventHandler PluginChange
        add { _pluginEvent += value; }
        remove { _pluginEvent -= value; }


        private void RaiseEvent(string message)
        if (_pluginEvent != null)

创建 appDomain ant 的方法调用 Launch 方法,其中事件为:

        public void RunPlugin(string path)
        //Creating the appdomain manager
        AppDomainManager manager = new AppDomainManager();
        //Check if there is any *.dll.config file
        string configFileName = string.Format("{0}.config", path);
        AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
        //Enable shadow copying, so the Plugin files are not locked
        setup.ShadowCopyFiles = "true";
        setup.LoaderOptimization = LoaderOptimization.MultiDomain;
        //if the config file exists, load it into the appdomain
        if (File.Exists(configFileName))
            setup.ConfigurationFile = configFileName;
        //Creating the AppDomain & adding a reference to it in the _appDomains collection.
        AppDomain domain = manager.CreateDomain(String.Format("AD-{0}", _appDomains.Count), null, setup);
         * This important.
         * Here we are initiating an instance of PluginHost inside the new AppDomain.
         * this instance will give us control from the host appdomain to load & run the plugins inside the new appdomain
        PluginHost remoteHost = domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(PluginHost)).FullName, typeof(PluginHost).ToString()) as PluginHost;
        RaiseEvent(String.Format("Hello from domain {0}", domain.FriendlyName));

        // Here we run every plugin in a separate thread
            delegate(object state)
                    //calling the PluginHost object created in the other appdomain.
                    remoteHost.Launch(path, domain);
                catch (Exception ex)


       void Launch(string assemblyPath, AppDomain domain)
        //Loading the assembly file into the appdomain
        Assembly pluginAssembly = domain.Load(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(assemblyPath));
        domain.AssemblyResolve += delegate(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
            AppDomain d = sender as AppDomain;
            string path = Path.Combine(@"C:\Plugins\References", args.Name.Split(',')[0] + ".dll");
            return d.Load(path);

        RaiseEvent(String.Format("Hello from domain {0}", domain.FriendlyName));
        //Searching for Plugin types inside the loaded assembly
        foreach (Type type in pluginAssembly.GetTypes())
            if (!type.IsClass) continue;

            if (type.FindInterfaces(delegate(Type t, object filter) { return t == filter as Type; }, typeof(IPlugin)).Length > 0)
                //Using block will make sure that the plugins will run cleanup code after execution
                using (IPlugin plugin = pluginAssembly.CreateInstance(type.ToString()) as IPlugin)
                    plugin.Run("Here we place some params for the external plugin");

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