我在tkt028 的回答中遇到了一个小问题1,但我喜欢他们在处理任何通用应用程序方面所做的工作。但我也喜欢st0ne 的答案如何处理在一个特别命名的应用程序的窗口中循环。所以我结合了这些方法。
if [[ "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]]; then
echo "Cycle through windows of the active, or specified, application."
echo ""
echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [window_class_name [application_launcher]]"
echo ""
echo " window_class_name: regex string specifying an application's window name,"
echo " as specified by the third column of"
echo " 'wmctrl -l -x'"
echo " application_launcher: application to optionally launch if no windows"
echo " matching window_class_name are found"
echo ""
echo "If no arguments are specified, cycles through the windows of the active application."
# get ID of active window
active_win_id=`xprop -root | grep '^_NET_ACTIVE_W' | awk -F'# 0x' '{print $2}' | awk -F', ' '{print $1}'`
if [ "$active_win_id" == "0" ]; then
if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
# get app name from input argument
# get corresponding app name
app_name="${app_name:-$(wmctrl -lx | grep $active_win_id | awk '{print $3}')}"
# get active workspace number
workspace_number=`wmctrl -d | grep '\*' | cut -d' ' -f 1`
# get list of windows corresponding to the desired app
win_list=`wmctrl -lx | grep -i $app_name | grep " $workspace_number " | awk '{print $1}'`
# get next window of app to focus on
# (Parses $win_list as a single string, removing everything except the token
# after the active ID. If active ID is sole token or last token, string will be
# left unmodified, producing an array from which we'll extract the first element.)
# Note: If active window was not of class app_name, then this will end up
# selecting the first window of app_name, if running. Otherwise, we'll fall
# through to launching a new instance of the app in the else of the next block.
switch_to=($(echo $win_list | sed "s/.*\<\(0x0\+\)\?$active_win_id\>\s*\(\<0x[0-9a-f]\+\>\).*/\2/"))
# if we have a valid window to switch to, do so
if [[ -n "${switch_to}" ]]; then
wmctrl -ia "${switch_to[0]}"
exit $?
# if the user specified a fallback application to run if target window
# was not found, try to launch it
if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then
$2 &
# check whether process corresponding to PID of background
# process we just launched is still running
ps -p $! > /dev/null
exit $?
exit $?
1 tkt028 答案中这一行的递归 grep 在我的环境中不起作用。也许这取决于您的 grep 版本。
win_list=`wmctrl -lx | grep -ri $app_name | grep " $workspace_number " | awk '{print $1}'`
从 中删除了参数grep
win_list=`wmctrl -lx | grep -i $app_name | grep " $workspace_number " | awk '{print $1}'`