bool lineline(int L1X1, int L1Y1, int L1X2, int L1Y2, int L2X1, int L2Y1, int L2X2, int L2Y2, int* X, int* Y) { // Returns the point of intersection of two lines
int D = (L1X1 - L1X2) * (L2Y1 - L2Y2) - (L1Y1 - L1Y2) * (L2X1 - L2X2); // Denominator. If zero then no intersection
if (D == 0) { // Parallel and possibly overlapping
return false;
} else {
*X = ( (L1X1 * L1Y2 - L1Y1 * L1X2) * (L2X1 - L2X2) - (L1X1 - L1X2) * (L2X1 * L2Y2 - L2Y1 * L2X2) ) / D; // Calculate x
*Y = ( (L1X1 * L1Y2 - L1Y1 * L1X2) * (L2Y1 - L2Y2) - (L1Y1 - L1Y2) * (L2X1 * L2Y2 - L2Y1 * L2X2) ) / D; // Calculate y
std::cout << D << " | " << *X << " | " << *Y << "\n";
if (*X >= Bmin(L1X1, L1X2) && *X <= Bmax(L1X1, L1X2) && *Y >= Bmin(L1Y1, L1Y2) && *Y <= Bmax(L1Y1, L1Y2)) {
// Intersection is on first line
if (*X >= Bmin(L2X1, L2X2) && *X <= Bmax(L2X1, L2X2) && *Y >= Bmin(L2Y1, L2Y2) && *Y <= Bmax(L2Y1, L2Y2)) {
// Intersection is on second line
return true;
} else {
// Intersection is on first, but not on second line
return false;
} else {
// Intersection is not on first line.
return false;
return true;
它工作得很好,例如当我用这些参数调用它时它返回 true
lineline(400, 0, 400, 2000, 0, 400, 2000, 400, &x, &y);
但是,当我将第二条线向上移动 1300 个单位时......
lineline(400, 0, 400, 2000, 0, 1700, 2000, 1700, &x, &y) == false;
D = -4000000
*X = 400;
*Y = -447;