IEnumerable 吗?如果是这样,LINQPad beta有一种WriteCsv
方法,旨在创建对 Excel 友好的 CSV 文件:
Util.WriteCsv(data, @"c:\temp\results.csv");
否则,使用 LINQ-to-XML DOM 来修改输出比使用正则表达式更安全。以下代码说明了如何从 LINQPad 输出中删除格式;您也可以对其进行调整以删除标题和总计:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load (...);
XNamespace xns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
doc.Descendants (xns + "script").Remove ();
doc.Descendants (xns + "span").Where (el => (string)el.Attribute ("class") == "typeglyph").Remove ();
doc.Descendants ().Attributes ("style").Where (a => (string)a == "display:none").Remove ();
doc.Descendants (xns + "style").Remove ();
doc.Descendants (xns + "tr").Where (tr => tr.Elements ().Any (td => (string)td.Attribute ("class") == "typeheader")).Remove ();
doc.Descendants (xns + "i").Where (e => e.Value == "null").Remove ();
foreach (XElement anchor in doc.Descendants (xns + "a").ToArray ())
anchor.ReplaceWith (anchor.Nodes ());
var presenters = doc.Descendants (xns + "table")
.Where (el => (string)el.Attribute ("class") == "headingpresenter")
.Where (e => e.Elements ().Count () == 2)
.ToArray ();
foreach (var p in presenters)
var heading = p.Elements ().First ().Elements ();
var content = p.Elements ().Skip (1).First ().Elements ();
if (stripFormatting)
p.ReplaceWith (heading, new XElement (xns + "p", content));
p.ReplaceWith (
new XElement (xns + "br"),
new XElement (xns + "span", new XAttribute ("style", "color: green; font-weight:bold; font-size: 110%;"), heading),
// Excel centre-aligns th even if the style says otherwise. So we replace them with td elements.
foreach (var th in doc.Descendants (xns + "th"))
th.Name = xns + "td";
if (!stripFormatting && th.Attribute ("style") == null)
th.Add (new XAttribute ("style", "font-weight: bold; background-color: #ddd;"));
string finalResult = doc.ToString().Replace ("Ξ", "").Replace ("▪", "");