如果是,我该如何设置它呢?否则,有什么替代方案吗?我在亚马逊的 aws 服务中运行它,所以我有一个运行 Fedora 的 linux 服务器。

我需要 npm 来安装选择,但由于我已经在运行 python 框架,可以在上面安装 node.js 吗?


1 回答 1


Chosen is a JQuery/Prototype plugin which turns plain boring selects into nice fancy selects, right?

It absolutely totally can work with Pyramid. and you don't even need node.js for that, unless you want to modify the plugin itself (which is written in CoffeeScript) - there are compiled JavaScript versions provided in their repository, for example this is the minified version which works with jQuery - just put it where your other static files are and include it in your template with the script tag

In case you still want to install node.js you can do that too, it won't interfere with Pyramid.

于 2013-03-02T20:38:40.533 回答