我正在尝试实现 adafruit 为他们为树莓派设计的 gps 单元之一提供的示例脚本。代码如下:
import gps
# Listen on port 2947 (gpsd) of localhost
session = gps.gps("localhost", "2947")
session.stream(gps.WATCH_ENABLE | gps.WATCH_NEWSTYLE)
while True:
report = session.next()
# Wait for a 'TPV' report and display the current time
# To see all report data, uncomment the line below
# print report
if report['class'] == 'TPV':
if hasattr(report, 'time'):
print report.time
except KeyError:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except StopIteration:
session = None
print "GPSD has terminated"
所以我将“#!/usr/bin/python -tt”添加到“gps.py”文件的顶部,然后添加“chmod u+x /home/pi/gps.py”
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ /home/pi/gps.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/gps.py", line 2, in <module>
import gps
File "/home/pi/gps.py", line 5, in <module>
session = gps.gps("localhost", "2947")
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable