当然,你可以试一试——我会在这里逐行做,by-cols 应该非常相似:
(编辑 - 哈,显然我看不懂......但对其他人来说可能仍然是一个有用的答案......因为我已经证明我没有关注 OP,让我对此进行扩展并填写垂直/对角线...)
(LINQPad 就绪)
void Main()
// Quickish and very dirty way to generate the grid
var lineLength = 3;
var rnd = new Random();
var gridSrc =
from r in Enumerable.Range(0, lineLength)
from c in Enumerable.Range(0, lineLength)
select new { Row = r, Col = c, Text = rnd.Next(0,2) > 0 ? "X" : "O" };
var grid = gridSrc.ToArray();
// ok, now for the query
var horizontalWinners =
// need the cell and it's index - this is one way to do that
from cellTuple in grid.Select((cell, idx) => Tuple.Create(idx, cell))
let idx = cellTuple.Item1
let cell = cellTuple.Item2
// figure out which row its in
let row = idx / lineLength
// figure out which column its in
let col = idx % lineLength
// for rows, group by row #
group cell by row into byRow
// only count if all cells in that row are same
where byRow.All(rowCell => rowCell.Text == "X")
|| byRow.All(rowCell => rowCell.Text == "O")
// tell us what row (and who won)
select new { byRow.Key, byRow.First().Text };
var verticalWinners =
from cellTuple in grid.Select((cell, idx) => Tuple.Create(idx, cell))
let idx = cellTuple.Item1
let cell = cellTuple.Item2
let row = idx / lineLength
let col = idx % lineLength
group cell by col into byCol
where byCol.All(colCell => colCell.Text == "X")
|| byCol.All(colCell => colCell.Text == "O")
select new { byCol.Key, byCol.First().Text };
var topLeftBottomRightDiagonalWinners =
from cellTuple in grid.Select((cell, idx) => Tuple.Create(idx, cell))
let idx = cellTuple.Item1
let cell = cellTuple.Item2
let row = idx / lineLength
let col = idx % lineLength
let fwdSlash = (row == col)
group cell by fwdSlash into byDiag
where byDiag.Key && byDiag.All(d => d.Text == byDiag.First().Text)
select new {
Text = byDiag.First().Text,
Pos = string.Join("", byDiag.Select(c => Tuple.Create(c.Col, c.Row).ToString()))
var topRightBottomLeftDiagonalWinners =
from cellTuple in grid.Select((cell, idx) => Tuple.Create(idx, cell))
let idx = cellTuple.Item1
let cell = cellTuple.Item2
let row = idx / lineLength
let col = idx % lineLength
let backSlash = (row + col) == (lineLength - 1)
group cell by backSlash into byDiag
where byDiag.Key && byDiag.All(d => d.Text == byDiag.First().Text)
select new {
Text = byDiag.First().Text,
Pos = string.Join("", byDiag.Select(c => Tuple.Create(c.Col, c.Row).ToString()))
for(int r=0;r<lineLength;r++)
for(int c=0;c<lineLength;c++)
Console.Write(grid[r*lineLength+c].Text + " ");
foreach(var row in horizontalWinners)
Console.WriteLine("{0} wins on row {1}", row.Text, row.Key);
foreach(var col in verticalWinners)
Console.WriteLine("{0} wins on col {1}", col.Text, col.Key);
foreach (var diag in topLeftBottomRightDiagonalWinners
Console.WriteLine("{0} wins on diagonal {1}", diag.Text, diag.Pos);